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Last active October 11, 2023 10:05
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macOS Setup for SWE


Install Homebrew

Homebrew will also install Xcode for you, but if you'd rather do this first you can with xcode-select --install.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


brew update
brew install coreutils curl git openssl readline sqlite3 xz zlib tcl-tk # needed for asdf and asdf-python


brew update
brew install htop # terminal process viewer, alternative to top
brew install gdal # For use with geopandas etc...
brew install duckdb # local olap db
brew install kind # alternative to minikube, install docker first
brew install helm # manage kubernetes apps

Install Docker

brew cask install docker



brew install --cask warp # terminal alternative (see

zoxide (path manager)

brew install zoxide

Add this to the end of your config file (usually ~/.zshrc):

eval "$(zoxide init zsh)"


Install Python

This requires git which we did before with brew. Details on pydev installer can be found on their GitHub page. Learn more about pyenv at's intro to pyenv

curl | bash
pyenv install 3.11.6 # version 3.12 breaks for me on some stuff
pyenv global 3.11.6 # install it globally

Install asdf

For languages such as go, python, nodejs

git clone ~/.asdf --branch v0.13.1

Add the following to ~/.zshrc:

. "$HOME/.asdf/"

Add some global plugins for asdf

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