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Last active March 30, 2016 12:52
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Software Sustainability Institute Collaborations Workship 2016, Edinburgh, 21-22 March

Software Sustainability Institute Collaborations Workship 2016, Edinburgh, 21-22 March

Live notes, so an incomplete, partial record of what actually happened.

Tags: collabw16

My asides in {}


Neil Chue Hong, Intro

Collaboration is the suspension of hatred and distrust for mutual gain #collabw16

— Niall Beard (@niall_beard) March 21, 2016
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Top tip for unconference: change stuff don't just moan about stuff. Especially, collaborate to change culture.

### Lightening Talks

  1. CW16 : Open by Robert Davey. ... open software and minds!
  2. Reproducible science and research software by Sean McGeever. ... versioning software
  3. Some advice from my blog... by Robin Wilson. ... can/should software reviews compliment literature reviews?
  4. What do we know about RSEs? by Simon Hettrick. ... technical hand over plans for software in research a problem
  5. Making things easy to start with by Martin Jones.
  6. What is Critical Data Studies? by Heather Ford. ... @hfordsa, social science of online data, critical data studies. Data not apolitical, never raw.
  7. Library Carpentry and other things by James Baker. ... &
  8. Docker Container for GAP by Alexander Konovalov. ...
  9. Academic Software Jobs by Mario Antonioletti. ... we need more jobs and pathways for creating them
  10. CamFort: automated evolution and verification for computational science by Matthew Danish.
  11. TeSS Training Portal by Niall Beard. for top practical tips on research software, like have a citation file as well as al licence file #collabw16

— Alys Brett (@alysbrett) March 21, 2016
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The infamous “Reinhart-Rogoff” spreadsheet. #collabw16

— Vincent Knight (@drvinceknight) March 21, 2016
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  1. Putting myself out of a job by Swithun Crowe. ... langauge corpora. St Andrews. Not making the best use of tech, should be designing software around xml that means we are not needed any more!
  2. Persistent Identification of Software: a building block to citation & curation by Catherine Jones. ... CS, Librarian. Persistent identifications for software. Findable, reproducible software.
  3. Software Credit through accreditation? by Craig MacLachlan. ... define a framework for accreditation of software development in RSE context
  4. A paper with a large number of authors to ensure credit for software by Vince Knight. ... get the code out, invite edits, then ask all contributors if they want to be an author.
  5. A rant about email by David Perez-Suarez. ... using fellowship to have a workshop on tools for collaborating (based on the premise that we often use them badly, eg email)
  6. Tackling fusion data silos by Alys Brett.
  7. Sound tools for real-time audio tasks by Amy Beeston. ... accidental RSE in a audio/music technology environment
  8. Open Source Research Software Guidelines by Mateusz Kuzak. ... something for the hack day!
  9. Introducing "Shit Data" by Iza Romanowska. ... irregular, variable confidence, non randomly sampled, no sense of completeness
  10. BoneJ2 - migrating with ImageJ2 by Richard Domander.

Catherine Jones "Persistent Identification of Software: a building block to citation & curation" #collabw16

— SSI - (@SoftwareSaved) March 21, 2016
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Catherine Jones of @STFC_Matters talking about persistent identifiers for citing software in a way that's useful years later #collabw16

— Alys Brett (@alysbrett) March 21, 2016
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.@astropy at #collabw16! <3 @drvinceknight

— Raniere Silva (@rgaiacs) March 21, 2016
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.@matkuzak asks how do we identify quality software - good question! #collabw16

— Laurent Gⓐtt⓪ (@lgatt0) March 21, 2016
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@Iza_Romanowska "Introducing "Shit Data" #collabw16

— SSI - (@SoftwareSaved) March 21, 2016
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I'm fully in support of @Iza_Romanowska's new term for big data. "Shit data". I'm going to put that in my next grant proposal. #collabw16

— Robert Davey (@froggleston) March 21, 2016
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  1. ChemBio Hub - a flexible research data management platform by Karen Porter.
  2. Instant mess by Raniere Silva. ... no federation a particular problem
  3. The BioJS Open Source Library of Data Representation Web Components by Manuel Corpas.
  4. Libre Graphics Meeting 2016 by Larisa Blazic. ... 15-18 April.
  5. Big Data' tools and HPC: Heaven or Hell? by Martin Callaghan.
  6. Reproducible Computer Science by Caroline Jay. ... works in HCI. . Called out on self-citation of their own software in their paper. Which is curious.
  7. What the REF? by Neil Chue Hong. ... Contribute to SSI Ref Review
  8. The SKA Challenge by Nick Rees.
  9. The UK RSE Conference and AGM 2016 by Robert Haines. ...
  10. BioSchemas by Niall Beard.
  11. Nekkloud: Spectral/hp element analysis on clusters and clouds by Jeremy Cohen.
  12. Fine-grained citations with CWL tool descriptions by Michael Crusoe. ... fine-grained citations via linked data
  13. South Africa & Africa capacity development by Anelda van de Welt ... model of getting training on the premise of then giving training

Forgot to submit my lightning talk during lunch (so many good convos) but here's a written one for later! #collabw16

— M. H. Beⓐls (@mhbeals) March 21, 2016
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For REF2014 there were only 38 software-related research outputs out of +-200k outputs. Why? asks @npch #collabw16

— Heather Ford (@hfordsa) March 21, 2016
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.@npch on Submitting software to the Ref. Never really thought about it actually...wonder how my head of research would react. #collabw16

— M. H. Beⓐls (@mhbeals) March 21, 2016
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Here we go with @gvwilson : the gulf between the computing scientific "elite" and those emailing spreadsheets is growing, and that's bad.

— Ian Hawke (@IanHawke) November 10, 2015
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.@walkingrandomly is an A&E doctor dealing with the "embarrassing rashes" of research software #collabw16

— Alys Brett (@alysbrett) March 21, 2016
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A Better Writing Session, David Robson, BBC Science

.@d_a_robson Can you summarise your blog/article/book in a single sentence? Know where you are going. Good advice #collabw16

— M. H. Beⓐls (@mhbeals) March 21, 2016
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.@d_a_robson making good points about foregrounding (when to use passive voice well) to purposefully shift attention #collabw16

— M. H. Beⓐls (@mhbeals) March 21, 2016
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Words like 'simulation' and 'model' have different meaning on different floors of my department... @rmounce #CollabW16

— Vincent Knight (@drvinceknight) March 21, 2016
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Fifty Writing Tools: Quick List #collabw16

— Mike Croucher (@walkingrandomly) March 21, 2016
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{And everything going on on the Slack backchannel...}

Discussion groups and speed blogging

Topics and work

Onto Discussion Sessions and Speed Blogging now #collabw16

— SSI - (@SoftwareSaved) March 21, 2016
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How would you collect examples of software impact to use as evidence of the importance of research software?

Evidence of impact describes what change, for whom, how, and where. Software can have an impact in and outside of the academe.

In terms of collecting examples of impact, software has an advantage over publications in that it is a process not an endgame. Therefore impact both happens and continues to happen as a result of software development.

It is easy to reach for quantitative measures, but qualitative examples need to be built in as well. Whilst many quantitative measures can be captured from existing infrastructures (citations, pull requests), qualitative examples require planning to capture.

The impact of software falls into three categories:

  • Where and when the software has been reused
  • How reuses of software changed something else
  • New communities and practices established around the software

Prepare. Build methods for collecting into the software development. This might come from your software development and the aims embedded in there.

Quantitative mechanisms are built into.

Connections established.

Ask your user: what would it cost you if this software hadn't been developed?

The impact of your software on someone

First stab at our blog How to prove the importance of research software by measuring the impact

Collaborative Ideas Session

James, Alexander, Steve, James, Claire

Our pitch for Extending Depsy: more Distribution Channels and more Context

All the pitches

The theory and practice of effective training

Jonah Duckles, Alexsandra Pawlik, James Hetherington

UCL postdoc research software engineer training:

Should training materials be tailored? Specificity vs time to produce. Try and find examples that resonate with disciplines. #collabw16

— SSI - (@SoftwareSaved) March 22, 2016
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#collabw16 “Very empowering to have tools installed on learners machine. A VM doesn’t provide same enabling” #Training

— SSI - (@SoftwareSaved) March 22, 2016
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#collabw16 @jamespjh “We need more Windows based reproducibility experts / fans to contribute materials”

— SSI - (@SoftwareSaved) March 22, 2016
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Closing Remarks, Neil


  • credit the software vs credit the person
  • automation to gather info
  • are citations good?
  • we are diverse!


Demo: be clear about what is new and what isn't start typing now just what is going

All the pitches

Some admin...

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Exceptions: embeds to and from external sources, and direct quotations from speakers

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fac2003 commented Mar 21, 2016

Will slides be posted somewhere, or am I just not seeing a link?

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