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Created June 13, 2017 21:37
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module Fact.Base64 exposing (..)
{-| Decode/encode base64 strings to/from ints.
import Bitwise
import Char
import List.Extra
alphabet =
toBytes : String -> List Int
toBytes input =
case String.toList input of
a :: b :: c :: d :: rest ->
x =
(a |> toInt |> Bitwise.and (1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32) |> Bitwise.shiftLeftBy 2)
(b |> toInt |> Bitwise.and (16 + 32) |> Bitwise.shiftRightZfBy 4)
y =
(b |> toInt |> Bitwise.and (1 + 2 + 4 + 8) |> Bitwise.shiftLeftBy 4)
(c |> toInt |> Bitwise.and (4 + 8 + 16 + 32) |> Bitwise.shiftRightZfBy 2)
z =
(c |> toInt |> Bitwise.and (1 + 2) |> Bitwise.shiftLeftBy 6)
(d |> toInt |> Bitwise.and (1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32) |> Bitwise.shiftRightZfBy 0)
x :: y :: z :: (toBytes <| String.fromList rest)
[] ->
_ ->
-- append a zero until we have an even multiple of 4
-- note that this only works because we're appending zeroes, and because it's a non-even multiple of 4.
toBytes (input ++ "A") |> List.reverse |> List.drop 1 |> List.reverse
toBase64 : List Int -> String
toBase64 input =
toBase64Impl input |> toBase64Char |> String.fromList
toBase64Impl : List Int -> List Int
toBase64Impl input =
case input of
x :: y :: z :: rest ->
a =
x |> Bitwise.and (4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128) |> Bitwise.shiftRightZfBy 2
b =
(x |> Bitwise.and (1 + 2) |> Bitwise.shiftLeftBy 4)
(y |> Bitwise.and (16 + 32 + 64 + 128) |> Bitwise.shiftRightZfBy 4)
c =
(y |> Bitwise.and (1 + 2 + 4 + 8) |> Bitwise.shiftLeftBy 2)
(z |> Bitwise.and (64 + 128) |> Bitwise.shiftRightZfBy 6)
d =
z |> Bitwise.and (1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32)
[ a, b, c, d ] ++ toBase64Impl rest
[] ->
_ ->
toBase64Impl (input ++ [ 0 ]) |> List.reverse |> List.drop 1 |> List.reverse
-- TODO: does this handle -2^31 correctly?
bytesToInts : List Int -> List Int
bytesToInts ints =
case ints of
a :: b :: c :: d :: rest ->
[ a |> Bitwise.shiftLeftBy 24
, b |> Bitwise.shiftLeftBy 16
, c |> Bitwise.shiftLeftBy 8
, d |> Bitwise.shiftLeftBy 0
:: bytesToInts rest
[] ->
_ ->
Debug.crash "pack4"
intsToBytes : List Int -> List Int
intsToBytes ints =
case ints of
a :: rest ->
(a |> Bitwise.shiftRightZfBy 24 |> Bitwise.and 255)
:: (a |> Bitwise.shiftRightZfBy 16 |> Bitwise.and 255)
:: (a |> Bitwise.shiftRightZfBy 8 |> Bitwise.and 255)
:: (a |> Bitwise.shiftRightZfBy 0 |> Bitwise.and 255)
:: intsToBytes rest
[] ->
toInt : Char -> Int
toInt c =
case String.indices (String.fromChar c) alphabet of
[ i ] ->
_ ->
Debug.crash (toString ( "wtf1", c, alphabet ))
toBase64Char : Int -> Char
toBase64Char i =
case i of
0 ->
1 ->
2 ->
3 ->
4 ->
5 ->
6 ->
7 ->
8 ->
9 ->
10 ->
11 ->
12 ->
13 ->
14 ->
15 ->
16 ->
17 ->
18 ->
19 ->
20 ->
21 ->
22 ->
23 ->
24 ->
25 ->
26 ->
27 ->
28 ->
29 ->
30 ->
31 ->
32 ->
33 ->
34 ->
35 ->
36 ->
37 ->
38 ->
39 ->
40 ->
41 ->
42 ->
43 ->
44 ->
45 ->
46 ->
47 ->
48 ->
49 ->
50 ->
51 ->
52 ->
53 ->
54 ->
55 ->
56 ->
57 ->
58 ->
59 ->
60 ->
61 ->
62 ->
63 ->
_ ->
Debug.crash (toString ( "wtf2", i, alphabet ))
debug msg value =
x =
Debug.log (toString msg) ()
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-- TODO: does this handle -2^31 correctly? -> yes it does

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ghost commented Jun 13, 2017

Nice crash messages.

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