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* d6to7_cck_textfield_length_checker.php, a script to find Drupal 6
* CCK text fields that are longer than 255 characters.
* Written by Mark Jordan, and released into the
* public domain.
* Upgrading to Drupal 7 from Drupal 6 instances that use CCK can
* go horribly wrong. One example is if you have textfields that
* do not specify a maximum length, your users can add content to
* them that is longer than the corresponding field type in Drupal 7
* allows. This problem is documented in a 'major' upgrade path bug
* for CCK 7 (i.e., Content Migrate) at
* This script will not ensure a trouble-free upgrade, but it will identify
* D6 CCK fields of type 'text_textfield' for you. The script does not
* modify your Drupal database, it only reads from it.
* To run the script:
* 1) Edit the $cck_type varibles.
* 2) Upload this script to your Drupal server and run it using drush,
* e.g. drush d6to7_cck_textfield_checker.php.
* 3) After it has completed running, it will print out all instances
* of text_textfield fields that contain values longer than 225
* characters.
* If you find any such fields, you will need to perform some manual work.
* Here is what I did (please note: use this method at your own risk, I
* am not responsible for this not working on your Drupal instance):
* 1) Edit any instances of fields reported by this script to contain
* values longer than 255 characters.
* 2) In the content type you analyzed with this script, go to the
* field's configuration settings.
* 3) At the bottom of the settings page, add '255' in the 'Maximum length'
* field and save the settings.
* 4) To prepare to run Content Migrate (part of the 7.x-2.x-dev of CCK),
* you should add a maximum length to *all* fields of type text_textfield
* (not just to fields that were reported by this script). Content Migrate
* will warn you if you have any text_textfield fields that do not have
* a maximum length setting, but the whole point of this script is so that
* you never have to see those warnings.
* Other approaches to handling the upgrade are documented in the issue
* linked above. YMMV.
* Updated by Daniel Mundra,, 2014-05-29
* I removed the bootstrap code as you can run this script with drush without
* needing to bootstrap. Also drush allows you run the code for site in a
* multi-site environment.
* You should only need to change these two variables.
$cck_type = 'machinereadablenameforyourcontenttype';
// To get rid of the NOTICES resulting from undefined HTTP environment vars.
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
* Get all fields for $cck_type.
$type = content_types($cck_type);
$fields = $type['fields'];
* Pick out all the fields of type 'text_textfield'.
print "Getting all CCK fields of type 'text_textfield'...\n";
$text_fields = array();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if ($field['widget']['type'] == 'text_textfield') {
$text_fields[] = $field['field_name'];
* Get all nodes of type $cck_type.
print "Getting all nodes of type '$cck_type'...\n";
$result = db_query("SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE type = '$cck_type' ORDER By nid");
while ($nids = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$theses_nids[] = $nids->nid;
* Iterate through each node and test all the values in all
* the fields we are interested in.
print "Checking all field values in all nodes of type $cck_type for length greater than 255 characters...\n";
foreach ($theses_nids as $nid) {
$node = node_load($nid);
foreach ($node as $property => $value) {
if (in_array($property, $text_fields)) {
foreach ($value as $member) {
$length = strlen($member['value']);
// If the length of a value is longer than 255, report it.
if ($length >= 255) {
print "In node " . $node->nid . ", " . $property .
" has the following value that is longer than 255 characters (value is $length characters long): " .
$member['value'] . " \n";
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