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Last active June 12, 2021 00:20
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// Uncomment these imports to begin using these cool features!
import {inject} from '@loopback/context';
import {get, param} from '@loopback/openapi-v3';
import {GhQueryService, QueryResponse} from '../services';
// import {inject} from '@loopback/core';
export class GhQueryController {
// inject the GhQueryService service proxy
constructor(@inject('services.GhQueryService') protected queryService:GhQueryService) {}
// create the API that get the issues by providing:
// repo: <GitHub org>/<GitHub repo>. For example, `strongloop/loopback-next`
// label: If it has special characters, you need to escape it.
// For example, if the label is "help wanted", it will be "help+wanted".
async getIssuesByLabel(
@param.path.string('repo') repo: string,
@param.path.string('label') label:string): Promise<QueryResult> {
let result:QueryResponse = await this.queryService.getIssuesByLabel(repo, label);
let queryResult = new QueryResult();
queryResult.items = [];
queryResult.total_count = result.body.total_count;
result.body.items.forEach(issue => {
let issueInfo:ResultIssueInfo = new ResultIssueInfo();
issueInfo.html_url = issue.html_url;
issueInfo.title = issue.title;
issueInfo.state = issue.state;
issueInfo.age = this.getIssueAge(issue.created_at);
return queryResult;
getIssueAge(created_at: string): number {
let todayDate: Date = new Date();
let createDate: Date = new Date(created_at);
let differenceInTime = todayDate.getTime() - createDate.getTime();
//get the difference in day
return Math.floor(differenceInTime / (1000 * 3600 * 24));
* QueryResult
class QueryResult {
total_count: number;
items: ResultIssueInfo[];
class ResultIssueInfo {
title: string;
html_url: string;
state: string;
age: number;
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