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Created September 14, 2024 05:01
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keys_cache = {'keys': None, 'last_fetched': 0.0}
async def fetch_public_keys() -> dict[str, str]:
"""Fetch Firebase public keys from URL, with caching for 1 hour."""
# Check if the cache is older than 1 hour (3600 seconds)
if time.time() - keys_cache['last_fetched'] > 3600 or keys_cache['keys'] is None:
# Fetch new public keys from the JWKS URL
with request.urlopen(FIREBASE_JWKS_PUBLIC_KEYS) as response:
keys_cache['keys'] = json.loads(
keys_cache['last_fetched'] = time.time() # Update last fetched time
return cast(dict, keys_cache['keys'])
async def find_public_key(firebase_token: str) -> str:
public_keys = await fetch_public_keys()
# Decode the JWT header to extract the kid (Key ID)
headers = jwt.get_unverified_header(firebase_token)
kid = headers['kid']
# Get the correct public key using the 'kid'
if kid not in public_keys:
raise Exception('Public key not found')
return public_keys[kid]
async def decode_firebase_token(firebase_jwt):
public_key = find_public_key(firebase_jwt)
# Now verify and decode the JWT
decoded_token = jwt.decode(
audience='your-firebase-project-id', # This should match your Firebase project ID
issuer='', # Replace with your Firebase project ID
return decoded_token
except InvalidTokenError as e:
raise Exception(f'Token verification failed: {e}')
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