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Last active April 27, 2024 16:56
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SQLALchemy - Polymorphic association
import asyncio
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey, UniqueConstraint, select
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import async_sessionmaker, create_async_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeBase, Mapped, mapped_column, relationship, selectin_polymorphic
aengine = create_async_engine("sqlite+aiosqlite:///database2.db")
asession = async_sessionmaker(aengine)
class Base(DeclarativeBase):
class Tenant(Base):
__tablename__ = "tenant"
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
# Tenant specific
name: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(unique=True)
# Relationships
accounts: Mapped[list["Account"]] = relationship(back_populates="tenant")
class Account(Base):
__tablename__ = "accounts"
# __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "account"}
__table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint("tenant_id", "username"),)
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
# Account specific
username: Mapped[str] = mapped_column()
# ForeignKeys
profile_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(ForeignKey(""))
tenant_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"))
# Relationships
profile = relationship("Profile", lazy="selectin")
tenant = relationship("Tenant", back_populates="accounts", lazy="selectin")
class Profile(Base):
__tablename__ = "profile_associations"
__mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_on": "profile_type"}
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
# Discriminator
profile_type: Mapped[str] = mapped_column()
class Staff(Profile):
__tablename__ = "staff"
__mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "staff", "polymorphic_load": "selectin"}
# ForeignKeys
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True)
# Staff specific
staff_name: Mapped[str] = mapped_column()
class Teacher(Profile):
__tablename__ = "teachers"
__mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "teacher", "polymorphic_load": "selectin"}
# ForeignKeys
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True)
# Teacher specific
teacher_name: Mapped[str] = mapped_column()
class Student(Profile):
__tablename__ = "students"
__mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "student", "polymorphic_load": "selectin"}
# ForeignKeys
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True)
# Student specific
student_name: Mapped[str] = mapped_column()
async def create_tables():
async with aengine.begin() as conn:
await conn.run_sync(Base.metadata.create_all)
async def drop_tables():
async with aengine.begin() as conn:
await conn.run_sync(Base.metadata.drop_all)
async def main():
await drop_tables()
await create_tables()
s = asession()
new_tenant = Tenant(name="tenant1")
# New profiles
new_teacher = Teacher(teacher_name="teachername1")
new_staff = Staff(staff_name="staff1")
# New accounts
new_account1 = Account(username="username1")
new_account2 = Account(username="username2")
# Add Accounts to Tenant
# Add Profiles to Accounts
new_account1.profile = new_teacher
new_account2.profile = new_staff
s.add_all([new_tenant, new_account1, new_teacher])
await s.commit()
print("Teacher account:")
teacher_account = await s.scalar(select(Account).where(Account.username == "username1"))
print("Staff account:")
staff_account = await s.scalar(select(Account).where(Account.username == "username2"))
await s.close()
if __name__ == "__main__":
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