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Created October 21, 2020 02:40
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A shell script for merging git submodules to the main repository
# This script merges all submodules into the main repository.
# You need to put this file in the parent directory or home directory,
# but run in the repository directory.
# Otherwise, this file will be included in your repository. (or, add to .gitignore)
# $ ../
if [[ ! -z $(git submodule status --recursive | grep "^[+\-]") ]]; then
echo 'error: not clean or up-to-date'
exit 1
cat .gitmodules | while read i
if [[ $i == \[submodule* ]]; then
echo converting $i
read i
# extract the module's prefix
mpath=$(echo $i | grep -E "(\S+)$" -o)
echo path: $mpath
read i
# extract the url of the submodule
murl=$(echo $i|cut -d\= -f2|xargs)
echo url: $murl
# extract the module name
mname=$(basename $mpath)
echo name: $mname
# extract the referenced commit
mcommit=$(git submodule status $mpath | grep -E "\S+" -o | head -1)
echo commit: $mcommit
# remove submodule and keep files
mv $mpath $mpath-$mcommit
git submodule deinit $mpath
git rm -rf $mpath
mv $mpath-$mcommit $mpath
find $mpath -name '.git' -prune -exec rm -rf {} \;
# add commit for merged submodule
git add -f $mpath
git commit -m "merge $mname-$mcommit"
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