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Created January 3, 2016 15:38
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SPMC ring buffer implementation in C++ from DKit
* CircularFIFO.h - this file defines the template class for a single-producer,
* multi-consumer, circular FIFO queue with a size initially
* specified in the definition of the instance. This queue
* is completely thread-safe so long as there is ONE and ONLY
* ONE thread placing elements into this container, and there
* can be as many as necessary remobing them from the queue.
* The syntax is very simple - push() will push an element,
* returning 'true' if there is room, and the value has been
* placed in the queue.
* The peek() method allows the caller to see the element on
* the top of the queue, and it HAS to be the same thread as
* the SINGLE consumer, but the value stays on the queue.
* The pop() will return true if there's something to pop
* off the queue.
// System Headers
#include <stdint.h>
// Third-Party Headers
// Other Headers
#include "FIFO.h"
// Forward Declarations
// Public Constants
// Public Datatypes
// Public Data Constants
namespace dkit {
namespace spmc {
* This is the main class definition
template <class T, uint8_t N> class CircularFIFO :
public FIFO<T>
* Constructors/Destructor
* This is the default constructor that assumes NOTHING - it just
* makes a simple queue ready to hold things.
CircularFIFO() :
* This is the standard copy constructor that needs to be in every
* class to make sure that we control how many copies we have
* floating around in the system.
CircularFIFO( const CircularFIFO<T, N> & anOther ) :
// let the '=' operator do the heavy lifting...
*this = anOther;
* This is the standard destructor and needs to be virtual to make
* sure that if we subclass off this, the right destructor will be
* called.
virtual ~CircularFIFO()
* When we process the result of an equality we need to make sure
* that we do this right by always having an equals operator on
* all classes.
* Because of the single-producer, multi-consumer, nature of
* this class, it is IMPOSSIBLE to have the assignment operator
* be thread-safe without a mutex. This defeats the entire
* purpose, so what we have is a non-thread-safe assignment
* operator that is still useful if care is exercised to make
* sure that no use-case exists where there will be readers or
* writers to this queue while it is being copied in this assignment.
CircularFIFO & operator=( const CircularFIFO<T, N> & anOther )
if (this != & anOther) {
// now let's copy in the elements one by one
for (size_t i = 0; i < eSize; i++) {
_elements[i] = anOther._elements[i];
// now copy the pointers
_head = anOther._head;
_tail = anOther._tail;
return *this;
* Accessor Methods
* This pair of methods does what you'd expect - it returns the
* length of the queue as it exists at the present time. It's
* got two names because there are so many different kinds of
* implementations that it's often convenient to use one or the
* other to remain consistent.
virtual size_t size() const
return __sync_or_and_fetch((volatile size_t *)(&_size), 0x00);
virtual size_t length() const
return size();
* This method returns the current capacity of the vector and
* is NOT the size per se. The capacity is what this queue
* will hold.
virtual size_t capacity() const
return eSize;
* Element Accessing Methods
* This method takes an item and places it in the queue - if it can.
* If so, then it will return 'true', otherwise, it'll return 'false'.
virtual bool push( const T & anElem )
bool error = false;
// move the tail (insertion point) and get the old value for me
size_t insPt = __sync_fetch_and_add(&_tail, 1) & eMask;
// see if we've crashed the queue all the way around...
if (_elements[insPt].valid) {
// try to back out the damage we've done to the tail
__sync_sub_and_fetch(&_tail, 1);
error = true;
} else {
// save the data in the right spot and flag it as valid
const_cast<T &>(_elements[insPt].value) = anElem;
_elements[insPt].valid = true;
// update the size by one as we've added something
__sync_add_and_fetch(&_size, 1);
return !error;
* This method updates the passed-in reference with the value on the
* top of the queue - if it can. If so, it'll return the value and
* 'true', but if it can't, as in the queue is empty, then the method
* will return 'false' and the value will be untouched.
virtual bool pop( T & anElem )
bool error = false;
// move the head (extraction point) and get the old value for me
size_t grab = __sync_fetch_and_add(&_head, 1) & eMask;
// see if we've emptied the queue all the way around...
if (!_elements[grab].valid) {
// try to back out the damage we've done to the head
__sync_sub_and_fetch(&_head, 1);
error = true;
} else {
anElem = const_cast<T &>(_elements[grab].value);
_elements[grab].valid = false;
// update the size by one because we've removed something
__sync_sub_and_fetch(&_size, 1);
return !error;
* This form of the pop() method will throw a std::exception
* if there is nothing to pop, but otherwise, will return the
* the first element on the queue. This is a slightly different
* form that fits a different use-case, and so it's a handy
* thing to have around at times.
virtual T pop()
T v;
if (!pop(v)) {
throw std::exception();
return v;
* If there is an item on the queue, this method will return a look
* at that item without updating the queue. The return value will be
* 'true' if there is something, but 'false' if the queue is empty.
virtual bool peek( T & anElem )
bool error = false;
// see if we have an empty queue...
if (!_elements[_head & eMask].valid) {
error = true;
} else {
anElem = const_cast<T &>(_elements[_head & eMask].value);
return !error;
* This form of the peek() method is very much like the non-argument
* version of the pop() method. If there is something on the top of
* the queue, this method will return a COPY of it. If not, it will
* throw a std::exception, that needs to be caught.
virtual T peek()
T v;
if (!peek(v)) {
throw std::exception();
return v;
* This method will clear out the contents of the queue so if
* you're storing pointers, then you need to be careful as this
* could leak.
virtual void clear()
T v;
while (pop(v));
* This method will return 'true' if there are no items in the
* queue. Simple.
virtual bool empty()
return __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&_size, 0, 0);
* Utility Methods
* Traditionally, this operator would look at the elements in this
* queue, compare them to the elements in the argument queue, and
* see if they are the same. The problem with this is that in a
* single-producer, single-consumer system, there's no thread that
* can actually perform this operation in a thread-safe manner.
* Moreover, the complexity in doing this is far more than we want to
* take on in this class. It's lightweight, and while it's certainly
* possible to make a good equals operator, it's not worth the cost
* at this time. This method will always return 'false'.
bool operator==( const CircularFIFO<T,N> & anOther ) const
return false;
* Traditionally, this operator would look at the elements in this
* queue, compare them to the elements in the argument queue, and
* see if they are NOT the same. The problem with this is that in a
* single-producer, single-consumer system, there's no thread that
* can actually perform this operation in a thread-safe manner.
* Moreover, the complexity in doing this is far more than we want to
* take on in this class. It's lightweight, and while it's certainly
* possible to make a good not-equals operator, it's not worth the cost
* at this time. This method will always return 'true'.
bool operator!=( const CircularFIFO<T,N> & anOther ) const
return !operator==(anOther);
* Since the size of the queue is in the definition of the
* instance, it's possible to make some very simple enums that
* are the size and the masking bits for the index values, so that
* we know before anything starts up, how big to make things and
* how to "wrap around" when the time comes.
enum {
eMask = ((1 << N) - 1),
eSize = (1 << N)
* In order to simplify the ring buffer access, I'm going to actually
* have the ring a series of 'nodes', and for each, there will be a
* value and a valid 'flag'. If the flag isn't true, then the value
* in the node isn't valid. We'll use this to decouple the push()
* and pop() so that each only needs to know it's own location and
* then interrogate the node for state.
struct Node {
T value;
bool valid;
Node() : value(), valid(false) { }
Node( const T & aValue ) : value(aValue), valid(true) { }
~Node() { }
* We have a very simple structure - an array of values of a fixed
* size and a simple head and tail.
volatile Node _elements[eSize];
volatile size_t _head;
volatile size_t _tail;
volatile size_t _size;
} // end of namespace spmc
} // end of namespace dkit
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where is FIFO.h?

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aleksas commented May 18, 2021

where is FIFO.h?

My guess it's here:

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