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Created November 5, 2009 07:12
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var compressor = null;
function sharedCompressor()
if (!compressor) { print("here...");
compressor = OS.popen("java -server -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath " + RHINO_PATH + ":" + SHRINKSAFE_PATH + " org.dojotoolkit.shrinksafe.Main");print("ok!");
return compressor;
function compress(/*String*/ aCode, /*String*/ FIXME)
print("called compress: " + aCode.length);
var tmpFile = FILE.join("/tmp", FIXME + Math.random() + ".tmp");
FILE.write(tmpFile, aCode, { charset:"UTF-8" });
var compressor = sharedCompressor();
output = "",
chunk = "";
compressor.stdin.write(tmpFile + "\n");
while (chunk =
output += chunk;
return output;
// return OS.command(["java", "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8", "-classpath", [RHINO_PATH, SHRINKSAFE_PATH].join(":"), "org.dojotoolkit.shrinksafe.Main", tmpFile]);
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