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Last active January 2, 2019 03:48
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Neverwinter aliases

Command name to bind power on player in thinking for OP. If you're DC, you can change command names ;)

All keys is thinking to AZERTY keyboards.

Based on commandAlias in the topic


The file

Copy the file CommandAliases.txt into NeverwinterInstallPath/Neverwinter/Live/localdata/CommandAliases.txt.

Fx key commands

Into the game chat, use the command /installBinds. The install is only for the current caracter.

Define :

  • F5 to invoke/uninvoke pet
  • F8 to be kill
  • F9 to invoke bank
  • F10 to invoke the mailbox
  • F11 to invoke the overworld teleport
  • F12 to invoke the sceal vendor

To remove this binds, use the command /uninstallBinds

Bind players

Bane one player

Use /setT1 "playerName" and /tarBindBane1 into the game chat.

The A key will be bind to use the first encounter power (bane) on defined target.

Bane two players

Use /setT1 "firstPlayerName", /setT2 "secondPlayerName", and /tarBindDoubleBane into the game chat.

The A key will be bind to use the first encounter power (bane) on first defined target. The F key will be bind to use the first encounter power (bane) on second defined target (Think to define a second key to interact with items !).

With a GF HDPS

With a GF HDPS, you should use Absolution (personnaly I replace Bond of Virtue). To bind bane and absolution on the GF, use /setT1 "GFname and /tarBindGF

The A key will be bind to use the first encounter power (bane) on defined target. The E key will be bind to use the second encounter power (absolution) on defined target.

Remove binds

You have many commands :

  • /tarUnbindBane : Remove bane for one player
  • /tarUnbindDoubleBane : Remove double bane
  • /tarUnbindGF : Remove bane and absolution used for GF

Command list

  • /defeat and /killme : To be killed
  • /pet : Invoke or uninvoke the selected pet
  • /tp : Invoke the VIP overworld teleport
  • /ml : Invoke the VIP mailbox
  • /sceal : Invoke the VIP sceal vendor
  • /shop : Invoke the VIP profession vendor
  • /bank : Invoke the VIP bank
  • /cs : Go to character select
  • /ah : Open the action house window
  • /zen : Open the zen store window
  • /zax : Open the zen/diamants exchange window
  • /fire : Use the emote firebreathing
  • /juggle : Use the emote juggle
  • /zoom ZoomValue : Change the zoom to zoomValue
  • /fov20 : Change the zoom to 20 and change scroll value
  • /fov25 : Change the zoom to 25 and change scroll value
  • /fov30 : Change the zoom to 30 and change scroll value
  • /fov35 : Change the zoom to 35 and change scroll value
  • /fov40 : Change the zoom to 40 and change scroll value
  • /fov45 : Change the zoom to 45 and change scroll value
  • /fov50 : Change the zoom to 50 and change scroll value
  • /fov55 : Change the zoom to 55 and change scroll value
  • /fov60 : Change the zoom to 60 and change scroll value
  • /fov65 : Change the zoom to 65 and change scroll value
  • /fov70 : Change the zoom to 70 and change scroll value
  • /fov75 : Change the zoom to 75 and change scroll value
  • /fov80 : Change the zoom to 80 and change scroll value
  • /fov85 : Change the zoom to 85 and change scroll value
  • /fov90 : Change the zoom to 90 and change scroll value
  • /fov95 : Change the zoom to 95 and change scroll value
  • /fov100 : Change the zoom to 100 and change scroll value
  • /scrollZoomOn : Change the zoom to 60 (default value ?)
  • scrollZoomOff : Disable zoom with scroll
  • /installBinds : Install some commands on Fx keys
  • /uninstallBinds : Remove some commands from Fx keys
  • /setT1 : Define the first target for binds
  • /setT2 : Define the second target for binds
  • /tarBane1 : Force the target to the first defined target and call the power on A key
  • /tarBane2 : Force the target to the second defined target and call the power on A key
  • /tarAbsolution : Force the target to the first defined target and call the power on E key
  • /tarBindBane1 : Bind the A key to call tarBane1 command
  • /tarBindBane2 : Bind the F key to call tarBane2 command
  • /tarBindDoubleBane : Bind the A key to call tarBane1 command and the F key to tarBane2 command
  • /tarBindGF : Bind the E key to call tarAbsolution command
  • /tarUnbindGF : Unbind the E key
  • /tarUnbindDoubleBane : Unbind the A and F key
  • /tarUnbindBane : Unbind the A key
alias defeat "gensendmessage Stuck_Defeatme Activate"
alias killme "gensendmessage Stuck_Defeatme Activate"
alias pet "gensendmessage Pets_Summon_Unsummon_Button activate"
alias tp "gensendmessage Vipaction_Overworldmapteleport Activate"
alias ml "gensendMessage Vipaction_Mailbox Activate"
alias sceal "gensendmessage Vipaction_Sealvendor Activate"
alias shop "gensendmessage Vipaction_Professionvendor Activate"
alias bank "gensendmessage Vipaction_Bankvendor Activate"
alias cs gotoCharacterSelect
alias ah "gensendmessage Auction_Root 1"
alias zen "gensendmessage Menubar_Cstorebutton Activate"
alias zax "gensendmessage Menubar_Diamondexchangebutton Activate"
alias fire "emote firebreathing"
alias juggle "emote juggle"
alias zoom "gfxsetdefaultfov {}"
alias fov20 "gfxsetdefaultfov 20 $$ bind wheelminus fov25"
alias fov25 "gfxsetdefaultfov 25 $$ bind wheelplus fov20 $$ bind wheelminus fov30"
alias fov30 "gfxsetdefaultfov 30 $$ bind wheelplus fov25 $$ bind wheelminus fov35"
alias fov35 "gfxsetdefaultfov 35 $$ bind wheelplus fov30 $$ bind wheelminus fov40"
alias fov40 "gfxsetdefaultfov 40 $$ bind wheelplus fov35 $$ bind wheelminus fov45"
alias fov45 "gfxsetdefaultfov 45 $$ bind wheelplus fov40 $$ bind wheelminus fov50"
alias fov50 "gfxsetdefaultfov 50 $$ bind wheelplus fov45 $$ bind wheelminus fov55"
alias fov55 "gfxsetdefaultfov 55 $$ bind wheelplus fov50 $$ bind wheelminus fov60"
alias fov60 "gfxsetdefaultfov 60 $$ bind wheelplus fov55 $$ bind wheelminus fov65"
alias fov65 "gfxsetdefaultfov 65 $$ bind wheelplus fov60 $$ bind wheelminus fov70"
alias fov70 "gfxsetdefaultfov 70 $$ bind wheelplus fov65 $$ bind wheelminus fov75"
alias fov75 "gfxsetdefaultfov 75 $$ bind wheelplus fov70 $$ bind wheelminus fov80"
alias fov80 "gfxsetdefaultfov 80 $$ bind wheelplus fov75 $$ bind wheelminus fov85"
alias fov85 "gfxsetdefaultfov 85 $$ bind wheelplus fov80 $$ bind wheelminus fov90"
alias fov90 "gfxsetdefaultfov 90 $$ bind wheelplus fov85 $$ bind wheelminus fov95"
alias fov95 "gfxsetdefaultfov 95 $$ bind wheelplus fov90 $$ bind wheelminus fov100"
alias fov100 "gfxsetdefaultfov 100 $$ bind wheelplus fov95"
alias scrollZoomOn fov60
alias scrollZoomOff "unbind wheelplus $$ unbind wheelminus"
alias installBinds "bind F5 pet $$ bind F7 cs $$ bind F8 killme $$ bind F9 bank $$ bind F10 ml $$ bind F11 tp $$ bind F12 sceal"
alias uninstallBinds "unbind F5 $$ unbind F7 $$ unbind F8 $$ unbind F9 $$ unbind F10 $$ unbind F11 $$ unbind F12"
alias setT1 "alias tar_cmd1 target {}"
alias setT2 "alias tar_cmd2 target {}"
alias tarBane1 "HardTargetlock 1 $$ tar_cmd1 $$ +PowerTrayExec 2 $$ Hardtargetlock 0"
alias tarBane2 "HardTargetlock 1 $$ tar_cmd2 $$ +PowerTrayExec 2 $$ Hardtargetlock 0"
alias tarAbsolution "HardTargetlock 1 $$ tar_cmd1 $$ +PowerTrayExec 3 $$ Hardtargetlock 0"
alias tarBindBane1 "bind a tarBane1"
alias tarBindBane2 "bind f tarBane2"
alias tarBindDoubleBane "bind a tarBane1 $$ bind f tarBane2"
alias tarBindGF "bind a tarBane1 $$ bind e tarAbsolution"
alias tarUnbindGF "unbind a $$ unbind e"
alias tarUnbindDoubleBane "unbind a $$ unbind f"
alias tarUnbindBane "unbind a"
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