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Last active April 12, 2024 12:24
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Entrypoint: swap envs for secrets (POSIX)
# What:
# A POSIX compliant entrypoint script that replaces environment variable values with the content of files
# e.g. secrets mounted into the container using the Kubernetes Secrets Store CSI Driver
# Why:
# - You run applications in Kubernetes and use the Kubernetes Secrets Store CSI Driver.
# - A POSIX compatible container requires secrets to be passed in as environment variables
# - You cannot modify the application
# - You can modify the container ENTRYPOINT
# - A lightweight solution is preferred (no need for a sidecar or mutating webhook)
# How:
# 1) In "containers" "env" objects in use the following format:
# MY_ENV_VAR=">>secretfile:$secretStoreVolumeMountPath/$mySecretName"
# e.g.
# DB_PASSWORD=">>secretfile:/mnt/secret-store/database-password"
# where $secretStoreVolumeMountPath is the mountPath of the secret store volume,
# and $mySecretName is the name of the secret as per SecretProviderClass, and
# together they form the path to the secret file in the container's filesystem.
# 2) In the container's ENTRYPOINT, use the shell form and source this script (named in the example)
# ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "-c", "source && <my executable> <arg1> <arg2>"]
# e.g.
# ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "-c", "source && dotnet my/path/to.dll"]
# Alternatives:
# * Kubernetes Secrets and valueFrom.secretKeyRef
# - increases exposure of the secret values
# - if secrets are themselves created by CSI (e.g. using secretObjects from SecretProviderClass) this method has
# 0 to 1 issues, which impacts CronJobs
# * Hashicorp Vault using Banzai Cloud mutating webhook
# - similar schema for substiuting env values (which inspired this script - see
# - uses a mutating webhook instead of a POSIX script, does not require ENTRYPOINT changes
# - requires additional infrastructure (Vault, Banzai Cloud, etc.)
set -e # exit if there are errors during this script
# Loop over environment variables (they're fed in at the loop closure)
while IFS='=' read -r key value; do
# Check for values starting with ">>secretfile:"
if [ "${value#>>secretfile:}" != "$value" ]; then
# Get the file path by removing the prefix ">>secretfile:"
# Check if the file exists
if [ -e "$secretfile" ]; then
# If file exists, replace the value of the env var with the secret from the file
secretvalue=$(cat "$secretfile")
export "$key=$secretvalue"
# If file does not exist, exit with error
echo "ERROR: file '$secretfile' does not exist"
exit 1
# This is a POSIX way of ensuring variables modified within the while loop are remembered
done <<EOT
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