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Last active June 2, 2023 01:15
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Sublime Text Gradle build system
// Put this script in:
// ```text
// ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/gradle.sublime-build
// ```
// 1. Install Java: `sudo apt install -y openjdk-19-jdk`.
// 2. Install gradle.
// 3. Set `GRADLE_HOME` in `~/.profile`.
// 4. Set `JAVA_HOME` in `~/.profile`.
// 5. Install the ANSIescape package.
// 6. Install the LSP package.
// 7. Install the LSP-jdtls package.
"shell_cmd": "gradle build | sd -s '' ''",
"selector": "",
"cancel": { "kill": true },
"working_dir": "${project_path:${folder:${file_path}}}",
"file_regex": "^([a-zA-Z0-9_ ./]+[.]java):([0-9]*):([0-9]*) ([^\\n]+)",
"target": "ansi_color_build",
"syntax": "Packages/ANSIescape/ANSI.sublime-syntax",
"variants": [
"name": "Test",
// Gradle outputs some ANSI control characters, which SublimeANSI doesn't parse:
// <>
// `` is "erase to end of line":
// <>
"shell_cmd": "gradle test --rerun-tasks | sd -s '' ''",
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