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Last active August 27, 2024 11:27
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  • Save arturmartins/f779720379e6bd97cac4bbe1dc202c8b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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How to keep your mac software updated easily (2024)
# Requirements:
# - homebrew:
# - homebrew tap: buo/cask-upgrade -
# - homebrew mas (Mac App Store command-line interface -
# Install the requirements by running:
# brew tap buo/cask-upgrade && brew install mas
# Set your Brewfile path.
# Update, upgrade all and cleanup
brew update && brew upgrade && brew cu --all --yes --cleanup && mas upgrade && brew cleanup
# Dump all taps, apps, casks, mac apps and vscode extensions into Brewfile
brew bundle dump --force --describe --file="${BREWFILE}"
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