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Last active May 10, 2020 12:44
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Script to set up the Electric Book tools on a USB drive running Ubuntu 18.04
# This script sets up the Electric Book tools on an Ubuntu 18.04 USB drive.
# It assumes a fresh Ubuntu 18.04 install. Anywhere else, use at your own risk.
# Tested on a 32GB Sandisk Cruzer Blade drive.
# Before using this script, to create a bootable USB drive:
# - On Windows, use Rufus, but changes to the USB will not be saved:
# - On Ubuntu, optionally with the ability to save ('persistence'), use mkusb:
# Once you have created your USB drive:
# 1. Search online to find out how to boot from USB on your particular machine.
# 2. Boot from the USB drive, then run this script from the Ubuntu Terminal. To do this:
# a. Connect to WIFI, open Firefox, and go to to copy the text of this script.
# b. Open Text Editor ('gedit'), paste this script, and save to the home directory as
# c. To allow the script to run, open Terminal and enter: chmod +x
# d. To run the script, in Terminal enter: ./
# If asked anything by the install process, accept the defaults.
# 3. If everything installs correctly, the Electric Book tools are ready to use.
# User guidance
echo 'This process will set up the Electric Book workflow tools on Ubuntu.'
echo 'This may take a while. You should get some tea.'
# Hide 'Install Ubuntu' icons
sudo mkdir /usr/share/applications/launcher_backup
sudo mv /usr/share/applications/ubiquity.desktop /usr/share/applications/launcher_backup/
sudo mv /home/ubuntu/Desktop/ubiquity.desktop /usr/share/applications/launcher_backup/
# Get user info for Git config
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'To configure Git version control, we need your name and email address.'
read -p "Enter your full name: " name
read -p "Enter your email address: " email
# Get user to set folder name for new project
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'We will create a new Electric Book project to work in.'
read -p "Folder name for new project (no spaces or punctuation): " projectFolder
if [ "$projectFolder" == "" ]; then
echo 'Using "new-electric-book" as the folder name.'
# Update apt repository index
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Updating packages...'
sudo add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -sc) universe" -y
sudo apt update -y
# Set up Ruby and dependencies for native gems
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Installing Ruby and its dependencies...'
sudo apt install ruby -y
sudo apt install ruby-dev -y
sudo apt install make -y
sudo apt install gcc -y
sudo apt install build-essential -y
# Update gems
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Updating Ruby gems...'
sudo gem update --system 3.0.6 --no-ri --no-rdoc
# Install Jekyll
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Installing Jekyll...'
sudo gem install jekyll
# Install Bundler
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Installing Bundler...'
sudo gem install bundler
# Install and configure Git and Git GUI
# (Using specific PPA for latest version)
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Installing Git and gitg (a Git GUI)...'
sudo apt install git -y
sudo apt install gitg -y
git config --global $name
git config --global $email
# Install Prince
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Installing PrinceXML...'
sudo apt install gdebi -y
sudo gdebi prince_11.4-1_ubuntu18.04_amd64.deb --non-interactive
# Install PhantomJS
# (Adapted from
# Another option:
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Installing PhantomJS...'
sudo apt install chrpath libssl-dev libxft-dev libfreetype6-dev libfreetype6 libfontconfig1-dev libfontconfig1 -y
sudo tar xvjf phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 -C /usr/local/share/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin/
# Install Pandoc
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Installing Pandoc...'
sudo dpkg -i pandoc-2.5-1-amd64.deb
# Install Node
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Installing Node...'
sudo snap install node --classic --channel=10
# Install Gulp
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Installing Gulp...'
sudo npm install --global gulp-cli
# Install GraphicsMagick
# (Thanks
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Installing GraphicsMagick...'
sudo apt install software-properties-common -y
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rwky/graphicsmagick -y
sudo apt update
sudo apt install graphicsmagick -y
# Install VS Code
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Installing VS Code...'
sudo snap install vscode --classic
# Install better PDF viewer and make it default
# (Because sometimes evince has 'permission denied' issues.)
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Installing xPDF...'
sudo apt install xpdf -y
sudo sed -i '/pdf/s/evince./xpdf./g' /etc/gnome/defaults.list
# Install an epub reader
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Installing Calibre...'
wget -nv -O- | sudo sh /dev/stdin
# Clone the Electric Book template
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Cloning the electric-book template repository...'
git clone
# Allow to execute
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Giving the Electric Book run script permission to execute...'
cd electric-book
chmod +x
cd ..
# Install EB template dependencies
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Installing the Electric Book template dependencies...'
cd electric-book
bundle update
bundle install
sudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn $USER) ~/.config ~/.npm
npm install
cd ..
# Rename template and reset git history for a new project
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Creating a new, blank project from the template...'
mv electric-book $projectFolder
cd $projectFolder
rm -rf .git
git init
git add .
git commit -m "New project created"
cd ..
# Check installations
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Done. Listing installed versions:'
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Ruby version installed?' && ruby --version
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Jekyll version installed?' && jekyll --version
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Bundler version installed?' && bundler --version
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Git version installed?' && git --version
git config --list
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'gitg version installed?' && gitg --version
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'PrinceXML version installed?' && prince --version
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'PhantomJS version installed?' && phantomjs --version
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Pandoc version installed?' && pandoc --version
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Node version installed?' && node --version
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Gulp version installed?' && gulp --version
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'GraphicsMagick version installed?' && gm -version
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'VS Code version installed?' && vscode --version
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'XPDF version installed?' && xpdf -v
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Calibre version installed?' && calibre --version
function isInstalled {
if hash $1 2>/dev/null; then
echo "$1 is installed."
echo "$1 is not installed, sorry."
# Check that everything is installed
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Done. Checking installs:'
isInstalled ruby
isInstalled jekyll
isInstalled bundler
isInstalled git
isInstalled gitg
isInstalled prince
isInstalled phantomjs
isInstalled pandoc
isInstalled node
isInstalled gulp
isInstalled gm
isInstalled vscode
isInstalled xpdf
isInstalled calibre
if [ $installError == 1 ]; then
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'There were errors installing tools, sorry.'
echo 'Please check the logs above to find what went wrong.'
echo '------------------------------------'
echo 'Everything is installed, the Electric Book tools are ready to use.'
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