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Last active May 23, 2018 02:17
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Utility class that helps with fragment manipulation
* Set of methods that help with fragment manipulation.
public class FragmentUtils {
private final static String TAG = "FragmentUtils";
//FragmentManager to be used in case the class has been instantiated.
private FragmentManager mFragmentManager;
* Constructor
* @param fragmentManager FragmentManager to be used in case the developer
* instantiates this class
public FragmentUtils(@NonNull FragmentManager fragmentManager) {
mFragmentManager = fragmentManager;
* Adds a fragment into the desired container.
* @param containerId Id of the container
* @param fragment Fragment to be added
* @param tag Fragment tag
public void addFragment(int containerId, Fragment fragment, String tag) {
addFragment(mFragmentManager, containerId, fragment, tag);
* Replaces the container content with the desired fragment.
* @param containerId Id of the container
* @param fragment Fragment that will replace the current content
* @param tag Fragment tag
public void replaceFragment(int containerId, Fragment fragment, String tag) {
replaceFragment(mFragmentManager, containerId, fragment, tag);
* Removes a fragment by tag
* =
* @param tag Fragment tag
public void removeFragment(String tag) {
removeFragment(mFragmentManager, tag);
* Returns a fragment of the specified type if found in the fragment manager and is instance of the desired type.
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* @param fragmentClass Fragment type
* @param tag Fragment tag
* @param <T> Fragment type
* @return Fragment of T type
public <T> T getFragmentByTag(Class<T> fragmentClass, String tag) {
return getFragmentByTag(mFragmentManager, fragmentClass, tag);
* Adds a fragment into the desired container.
* @param manager Fragment Manager
* @param containerId Id of the container
* @param fragment Fragment to be added
* @param tag Fragment tag
public static void addFragment(FragmentManager manager, int containerId, Fragment fragment, String tag) {
if (!manager.isStateSaved()) {
manager.beginTransaction().add(containerId, fragment, tag).commit();
* Replaces the container content with the desired fragment.
* @param manager Fragment Manager
* @param containerId Id of the container
* @param fragment Fragment that will replace the current content
* @param tag Fragment tag
public static void replaceFragment(FragmentManager manager, int containerId, Fragment fragment, String tag) {
if (!manager.isStateSaved()) {
manager.beginTransaction().replace(containerId, fragment, tag).addToBackStack(tag).commit();
* Removes a fragment by tag
* @param manager Fragment Manager
* @param tag Fragment tag
public static void removeFragment(FragmentManager manager, String tag) {
Fragment fragment = manager.findFragmentByTag(tag);
if (!manager.isStateSaved() && fragment != null) {
* Returns a fragment of the specified type if found in the fragment manager and is instance of the desired type.
* @param manager Fragment Manager
* @param fragmentClass Fragment type
* @param tag Fragment tag
* @param <T> Fragment type
* @return Fragment of T type
public static <T> T getFragmentByTag(FragmentManager manager, Class<T> fragmentClass, String tag) {
Fragment fragment = manager.findFragmentByTag(tag);
if (fragment != null) {
if (fragment.getClass().isAssignableFrom(fragmentClass)) {
return fragmentClass.cast(fragment);
} else if (fragment.getClass().getSuperclass().isAssignableFrom(fragmentClass)) {
return (T) fragment;
return null;
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