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Last active December 9, 2023 17:27
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Seq.splitBy, Seq.splitAt, Seq.tryHeadTail
module Seq
type [< RequireQualifiedAccess >] SplitByOption = Exclude | IncludeInFirst | IncludeInSecond
type [< RequireQualifiedAccess >] private SplitSubUnfoldState<'T> =
| PostValue of 'T * SplitSubUnfoldState<'T>
| Start of seqNo: int * start: int
| Started of tryNext: (unit -> 'T option) * bingo: ('T -> unit) * finish: (unit -> unit)
| Finish
type [< RequireQualifiedAccess >] private SplitUnfoldState<'T> = {
enumerator : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<'T>
mutable currentPos : int
mutable isDone : bool
mutable splitterO : 'T option
mutable currentSeqO : 'T seq option
/// Straight scan through is efficient, reusing seqs causes rescan from beginning
let splitBy f opt (input: 'a seq) =
let getEnumerator() = input.GetEnumerator()
let startingState() =
SplitUnfoldState.enumerator = getEnumerator()
SplitUnfoldState.currentPos = 0
SplitUnfoldState.isDone = false
SplitUnfoldState.splitterO = None
SplitUnfoldState.currentSeqO = None
}, 0
Seq.unfold(fun stateO ->
let state, currentSeqNo = stateO |> Option.defaultWith startingState
let tryNextMain() : 'a option=
if state.isDone then None else
if state.enumerator.MoveNext() then
state.currentPos <- state.currentPos + 1
Some state.enumerator.Current
let bingo v = state.splitterO <- Some v ; state.currentSeqO <- None
let finish () = state.splitterO <- None ; state.currentSeqO <- None ; state.isDone <- true
let tryNextSub start =
let en = getEnumerator()
for i in 0..start - 1 do (en.MoveNext() |> ignore)
fun () ->
if en.MoveNext() then Some en.Current
else en.Dispose()
let subUnFold(tryNext: unit -> 'a option, bingo, finish) =
match tryNext() with
| None -> finish()
| Some v ->
if f v then bingo v
if opt = SplitByOption.IncludeInFirst
then Some( v, SplitSubUnfoldState.Finish )
else None
else Some( v, SplitSubUnfoldState.Started(tryNext, bingo, finish) )
//printfn "Unfold %A" currentSeqNo
while state.currentSeqO |> Option.isSome do
//printfn "skipping"
subUnFold(tryNextMain, bingo , finish) |> ignore
if state.isDone then None else
if opt <> SplitByOption.IncludeInSecond then state.splitterO <- None
let s0 =
let start = SplitSubUnfoldState.Start(currentSeqNo, state.currentPos)
match state.splitterO, opt with
| Some v, SplitByOption.IncludeInSecond -> SplitSubUnfoldState.PostValue(v, start)
| _ -> start
|> Seq.unfold(function
| SplitSubUnfoldState.PostValue(v, next) -> Some(v, next)
| SplitSubUnfoldState.Finish -> None
| SplitSubUnfoldState.Started(tryNext, bingo, finish) -> subUnFold(tryNext, bingo, finish)
| SplitSubUnfoldState.Start(seqNo, myStart) -> //printfn "Starting %d at %d = %d" seqNo myStart state.currentPos
if state.currentPos = myStart // && not state.isDone
then subUnFold(tryNextMain , bingo , finish)
else subUnFold(tryNextSub myStart, ignore, ignore)
state.currentSeqO <- Some s0
Some (s0, Some(state, currentSeqNo + 1) )
) None
let splitAt n s =
|> Seq.mapi(fun i v -> i,v)
|> splitBy (fst >> ((=) n )) SplitByOption.IncludeInSecond
|> ( snd)
|> Seq.truncate 2
let tryHeadTail fhead ftail s =
( Choice1Of3(), splitAt 1 s )
||> Seq.fold(function
| Choice1Of3 ( ) -> Seq.tryHead >> fhead >> Choice2Of3
| Choice2Of3 (Some headv) -> ftail headv >> Choice3Of3
| result -> fun _ -> result
|> function
| Choice2Of3 (Some headv) -> Seq.empty |> ftail headv |> Some
| Choice3Of3 v -> Some v
| _ -> None
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