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Mean-Reversion Swing Trading Strategy v1
// A port of the TradeStation EasyLanguage code for a mean-revision strategy described at
// "In “Mean-Reversion Swing Trading,” which appeared in the December 2016 issue of STOCKS & COMMODITIES, author Ken Calhoun
// describes a trading methodology where the trader attempts to enter an existing trend after there has been a pullback.
// He suggests looking for 50% pullbacks in strong trends and waiting for price to move back in the direction of the trend
// before entering the trade."
// See Also:
// - 9 Mistakes Quants Make that Cause Backtests to Lie (
// - When Backtests Meet Reality (
// - Why MT4 backtesting does not work (
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2018 sherwind
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// The GNU General Public License can be found here
// <>.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
strategy("Mean-Reversion Swing Trading Strategy v1", shorttitle="MRST Strategy v1", overlay=true)
channel_len = input(defval=20, title="Channel Period", minval=1)
pullback_pct = input(defval=0.5, title="Percent Pull Back Trigger", minval=0.01, maxval=1, step=0.01)
trend_filter_len = input(defval=50, title="Trend MA Period", minval=1)
upper_band = highest(high, channel_len)
lower_band = lowest(low, channel_len)
trend = sma(close, trend_filter_len)
low_ref = 0.0
low_ref := nz(low_ref[1])
high_ref = 0.0
high_ref := nz(high_ref[1])
long_ok = false
long_ok := nz(long_ok[1])
short_ok = false
short_ok := nz(short_ok[1])
long_ok2 = false
long_ok2 := nz(long_ok2[1])
if (low == lower_band)
low_ref := low
long_ok := false
short_ok := true
long_ok2 := false
if (high == upper_band)
high_ref := high
long_ok := true
short_ok := false
long_ok2 := true
// Pull Back Level
trigger = long_ok2 ? high_ref - pullback_pct * (high_ref - low_ref) : low_ref + pullback_pct * (high_ref - low_ref)
plot(upper_band, title="Upper Band", color=long_ok2?green:red)
plot(lower_band, title="Lower Band", color=long_ok2?green:red)
plot(trigger, title="Trigger", color=purple)
plot(trend, title="Trend", color=orange)
has_long = strategy.position_size > 0
has_short = strategy.position_size < 0
enter_long = long_ok[1] and long_ok and crossover(close, trigger) and close > trend and not has_long[1]
enter_short = short_ok[1] and short_ok and crossunder(close, trigger) and close < trend and not has_short[1]
if (enter_long)
long_ok := false
strategy.entry("pullback-long", strategy.long, stop=close, comment="pullback-long")
if (enter_short)
short_ok := false
strategy.entry("pullback-short", strategy.short, stop=close, comment="pullback-short")
strategy.exit("exit-long", "pullback-long", limit=upper_band, stop=lower_band)
strategy.exit("exit-short", "pullback-short", limit=lower_band, stop=upper_band)
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