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Created July 29, 2023 12:06
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Caesar Cipher is a simple substitution cipher that shifts characters in the plaintext by a fixed number of positions to generate ciphertext.
package main
import (
// Function to perform Caesar Cipher encryption
func caesarEncrypt(plaintext string, shift int) string {
ciphertext := ""
for _, char := range plaintext {
if char >= 'A' && char <= 'Z' {
ciphertext += string((char-'A'+rune(shift))%26 + 'A')
} else if char >= 'a' && char <= 'z' {
ciphertext += string((char-'a'+rune(shift))%26 + 'a')
} else {
ciphertext += string(char)
return ciphertext
// Function to perform Caesar Cipher decryption
func caesarDecrypt(ciphertext string, shift int) string {
return caesarEncrypt(ciphertext, 26-shift) // Decryption is just the reverse shift
func main() {
plaintext := "Hello, World!"
shift := 3
// Encryption
encryptedText := caesarEncrypt(plaintext, shift)
fmt.Println("Plaintext:", plaintext)
fmt.Println("Encrypted:", encryptedText)
// Decryption
decryptedText := caesarDecrypt(encryptedText, shift)
fmt.Println("Decrypted:", decryptedText)
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