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Last active March 26, 2024 00:12
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Space Engineers script to handle all Collectors' automatic on/off switch for a given Ice threshold is reached
// Define the amount of ice to trigger the collector deactivation
const int iceThreshold = 100000;
// Quick-access variables to avoid reinstantiation
IMyGridTerminalSystem grid;
List<IMyCollector> collectors;
List<IMyTerminalBlock> containers;
public Program()
grid = GridTerminalSystem;
collectors = new List<IMyCollector>();
containers = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
// It's recommended to set RuntimeInfo.UpdateFrequency
// here, which will allow your script to run itself without a
// timer block.
Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update10;
public void Save()
void Main(string argument)
Echo($"Total collectors found: {collectors.Count()}");
// Options:
// MakeAmmo
// MakeComponent
// MakeIngot
// MakeOre
// MakeTool
var iceInShip = GetResourceAmountFrom<IMyTerminalBlock>(grid, MyItemType.MakeOre("Ice"));
Echo($"Total ice in ship: {iceInShip}/{iceThreshold}");
if (iceInShip >= iceThreshold)
collectors.ForEach(collector => collector.ApplyAction("OnOff_Off"));
Echo("Collectors deactivated.");
if (iceInShip < (iceThreshold * 0.9))
collectors.ForEach(collector => collector.ApplyAction("OnOff_On"));
Echo("Collectors activated!");
int GetResourceAmountFrom<T>(IMyGridTerminalSystem grid, MyItemType itemType) where T : class
var resourceAmmount = 0;
Echo($"Found {containers.Count()} containers");
foreach (var container in containers)
for (int i = 0; i < container.InventoryCount; i++)
IMyInventory inv = container.GetInventory(i);
List<MyInventoryItem> items = new List<MyInventoryItem>();
var iceItem = inv.FindItem(itemType);
if (iceItem.HasValue)
resourceAmmount += (int)iceItem.Value.Amount;
return resourceAmmount;
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