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Created June 16, 2018 00:01
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  • Save Wruczek/02113179c249768c020ffd25a98907ab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Wruczek/02113179c249768c020ffd25a98907ab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This simple PHP script lets you know the time of your VAC ban with ± 30 second precision. Valve shows only the "days since last ban" on your profile, but not the precise time. This script watches when the number of days changes and sends you a Telegram message. With this, you know precisely when the number of days change on the steam page = when…
$saveFile = __DIR__ . "/vacwatch.txt";
$steamProfileIds = [765611984466XXXXX, 765611981505XXXXX];
$telegramChatId = "-1001135186648";
$apiUrl = "$steamApiKey&steamids=" . implode(",", $steamProfileIds);
// Create file if it doesnt exists
if (!file_exists($saveFile)) {
touch($saveFile) or die("cannot create $saveFile");
while (true) {
$responseArray = json_decode(file_get_contents($apiUrl), true)["players"];
$saveFileArray = json_decode(file_get_contents($saveFile), true);
foreach ($steamProfileIds as $profileId) {
if (getProfile($responseArray, $profileId) != getProfile($saveFileArray, $profileId)) {
// Nicely formatted array to JSON string
$responseText = json_encode($responseArray, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
// Send telegram message
$data = [
"text" => "```\n$responseText\n```",
"chat_id" => $telegramChatId,
"parse_mode" => "Markdown"
file_get_contents("$telegramBotToken/sendMessage?" . http_build_query($data));
// Save the new data
file_put_contents($saveFile, $responseText);
// Stop checking for changes in this iteration
// Wait 30 seconds before next check
function getProfile($playersArray, $profileId) {
foreach ($playersArray as $player) {
if ($player["SteamId"] == $profileId)
return $player;
return null;
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