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Forked from cardano-apexpool/
Created November 8, 2022 16:31
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Extract the keys from the mnemonic for a Cardano wallet
# For mainnet
# For testnet
NET_WITH_PREFIX="--testnet-magic 1097911063"
### Extract root keys and create Payment and Stake Addresses using "cardano-address" or "cardano-wallet" tool ###
touch phrase.prv rootkey.prv stake.prv
chmod 600 *.prv
# Recover existing wallet
#echo "your wallet 24 words" > phrase.prv
# or create a new wallet
cardano-address recovery-phrase generate > phrase.prv
cat phrase.prv | cardano-address key from-recovery-phrase Shelley > rootkey.prv
chmod 400 phrase.prv rootkey.prv
#cat rootkey.prv | cardano-address key public --with-chain-code >
cat rootkey.prv | cardano-address key child 1852H/1815H/0H/2/0 > stake.prv
#cat stake.prv | cardano-address key public --with-chain-code | cardano-address address stake --network-tag ${NET} > stake.addr
### Create Payment and Stake vkey/skey files using cardano-cli ###
cardano-cli key convert-cardano-address-key --signing-key-file stake.prv --shelley-stake-key --out-file stake.skey
cardano-cli key verification-key --signing-key-file stake.skey --verification-key-file Ext_ShelleyStake.vkey
cardano-cli key non-extended-key --extended-verification-key-file Ext_ShelleyStake.vkey --verification-key-file stake.vkey
cardano-cli stake-address build --stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey --out-file stake.addr ${NET_WITH_PREFIX}
rm Ext_ShelleyStake.vkey stake.prv
for NR in $(seq 0 $(expr $ADDR_COUNT - 1))
touch addr-${NR}.prv
chmod 600 addr-${NR}.prv
cat rootkey.prv | cardano-address key child 1852H/1815H/0H/0/${NR} > addr-${NR}.prv
cardano-cli key convert-cardano-address-key --signing-key-file addr-${NR}.prv --shelley-payment-key --out-file payment-${NR}.skey
cardano-cli key verification-key --signing-key-file payment-${NR}.skey --verification-key-file Ext_ShelleyPayment-${NR}.vkey
cardano-cli key non-extended-key --extended-verification-key-file Ext_ShelleyPayment-${NR}.vkey --verification-key-file payment-${NR}.vkey
cardano-cli address build --payment-verification-key-file payment-${NR}.vkey --stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey --out-file payment-${NR}.addr ${NET_WITH_PREFIX}
rm Ext_ShelleyPayment-${NR}.vkey addr-${NR}.prv
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