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Created April 27, 2019 07:44
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  • Save TorD/58c5618f291ddac5708add96aaed657c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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(function() {
"use strict";
Filter_Controller.filterNameMap["glitch"] = PIXI.filters.GlitchFilter;
Filter_Controller.defaultFilterParam["glitch"] = [
10, // slices, 2 - 20
100, // offset, -400 - 400
0 // direction, -180 - 180
Filter_Controller.updateFilterHandler["glitch"] = function(filter, params) {
filter.slices = params[0];
filter.offset = params[1];
filter.direction = params[2];
Filter_Controller.filterSpecialInit["glitch"] = function(filter) {
filter.fillMode = 2 // TRANSPARENT, ORIGINAL, LOOP, CLAMP, MIRROR = [2, 2]; = [10, -4]; = [-10, 4];
filter.sampleSize = 512; // Displacement map resolution
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