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Tor Damian TorD

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(function() {
"use strict";
Filter_Controller.filterNameMap["glitch"] = PIXI.filters.GlitchFilter;
Filter_Controller.defaultFilterParam["glitch"] = [
10, // slices, 2 - 20
100, // offset, -400 - 400
0 // direction, -180 - 180
TorD / TDD Ace Bitmap Fonts
Last active May 8, 2018 18:13
Compiled script file of TDD Ace Bitmap Fonts script
# encoding: UTF-8
# TDD Ace Bitmap Font - 0.0.8
# _____________________________________________________________________________
# + Author: Galenmereth / Tor Damian Design
# + E-mail:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# + Last updated: 05/28/2015
def get_field_type_for(label)
l = label.downcase
def l.contains?(words)
words.split(", ").any?{|word| self.include? word}
when l.contains?("merknad, notater, anmerkning") then "text"
when l.contains?("nr, tlf, telefon, nummer") then "number"