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Last active September 6, 2024 15:36
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Format input date
* Format input date
* Matiunin Mikhail <>, 27 January 2023
void main() => [
String formatDate(
String input, {
int minYear = 1970,
int maxYear = 3000,
}) {
final l = <int>[
.map<int>((i) => i ?? 1),
...const <int>[1,1],
final y = l[2].clamp(minYear, maxYear),
m = l[1].clamp(1, 12),
d = l[0].clamp(1, DateTime(y, m + 1, 0).day);
String pad(int v, int w) => v.toString().padLeft(w, '0');
return '${pad(d, 2)}'
'${pad(m, 2)}'
'${pad(y, 4)}';
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