- USB Overdrive
- A non-Apple keyboard with media keys (or keys you want to make "media" keys). For reference, I'm using a Microsoft Sidewinder X4
- Plug in your keyboard and install USB Overdrive.
- Open USB Overdrive. Click into the Settings tab.
- Click the dropdown and select "Any Keyboard, Any Application"
- Click the "Scan Next Track" item in the left-hand list. You can also select this key by focusing the USB Overdrive window and pressing the actual key on the keyboard.
- In the right-hand column click the dropdown and select "Execute AppleScript".
- Paste the following AppleScript:
tell application "Spotify" next track end tell
- Repeat steps 4 and 5 but select "Scan Previous Track". Paste the following AppleScript:
tell application "Spotify" previous track end tell
- Repeat steps 4 and 5 but select "Play/Pause". Paste the following AppleScript:
tell application "Spotify" playpause end tell
Even better, these detect if iTunes or Spotify are running and take action accordingly: