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Created October 10, 2019 19:12
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JS Bin // source
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<title>JS Bin</title>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script></head>
<div id="chart"></div>
<script id="jsbin-javascript">
var data = grads
.filter(row => ((row.Type=='Borough Total') &&
.map(row => [row.Advanced/row.Total,
function addElementSVG(parent, name, attrs={}) {
let SVGNS = "";
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element.setAttributeNS(null, key, attrs[key]);
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var canvasSize = [400, 400];
var tickSize = 5;
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var pSize = [pArea[2]-pArea[0], pArea[3]-pArea[1]];
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"width": canvasSize[0], "height":canvasSize[1],});
addElementSVG(canvas, "text", {
"style": "font-family: Helvetica;",
}).textContent = "NYC High School Graduate Statistics";
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"x": pArea[2]-65, "y": pArea[1]+5,
"width": 60, "height": 60,
"fill": "LightGray",
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[2002,2004,2006].forEach(function (d, i) {
addElementSVG(canvas, "rect", {
"x": pArea[2]-60, "y": pArea[1]+10+i*20,
"width": 10, "height": 10,
"fill": palette[(d-2002)/2],
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"style": "font-family:Helvetica;font-size:8px;",
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[1,2,3,4,5].forEach(function (d, i) {
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"style": "font-family:Helvetica;font-size:8px;",
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"x": pSize[0]*0.5+pArea[0]-70,
"y": pArea[3]+25,
"style": "font-family: Helvetica;font-size:14px;",
xLabel.textContent = "Advanced Regents (%)";
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"x": -pSize[1]*0.5+pArea[1]-95,
"y": 5,
"style": "font-family: Helvetica;font-size:14px;",
yLabel.textContent = "Dropped Out (%)";
yLabel.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(-90,20,0)");
<script id="jsbin-source-javascript" type="text/javascript">var data = grads
.filter(row => ((row.Type=='Borough Total') &&
.map(row => [row.Advanced/row.Total,
function addElementSVG(parent, name, attrs={}) {
let SVGNS = "";
var element = document.createElementNS(SVGNS, name);
for (var key in attrs)
element.setAttributeNS(null, key, attrs[key]);
return element;
var canvasSize = [400, 400];
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var pSize = [pArea[2]-pArea[0], pArea[3]-pArea[1]];
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"width": canvasSize[0], "height":canvasSize[1],});
addElementSVG(canvas, "text", {
"style": "font-family: Helvetica;",
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"x": pArea[2]-65, "y": pArea[1]+5,
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"fill": "LightGray",
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[2002,2004,2006].forEach(function (d, i) {
addElementSVG(canvas, "rect", {
"x": pArea[2]-60, "y": pArea[1]+10+i*20,
"width": 10, "height": 10,
"fill": palette[(d-2002)/2],
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"style": "font-family:Helvetica;font-size:12px;",
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"d": `M ${pArea[0]} ${pArea[1]} L ${pArea[0]} ${pArea[3]} L ${pArea[2]} ${pArea[3]}`,
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"x": pArea[0]-tickSize+pSize[0]/6*d, "y": pArea[3]+12,
"style": "font-family:Helvetica;font-size:8px;",
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"x1": pArea[0]-tickSize, "y1": pArea[3]-pSize[1]/6*d,
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"x": pArea[0]-18, "y": pArea[3]-2-pSize[1]/6*d,
"style": "font-family:Helvetica;font-size:8px;",
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"x": pSize[0]*0.5+pArea[0]-70,
"y": pArea[3]+25,
"style": "font-family: Helvetica;font-size:14px;",
xLabel.textContent = "Advanced Regents (%)";
yLabel = addElementSVG(canvas, "text", {
"x": -pSize[1]*0.5+pArea[1]-95,
"y": 5,
"style": "font-family: Helvetica;font-size:14px;",
yLabel.textContent = "Dropped Out (%)";
yLabel.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(-90,20,0)");
var data = grads
.filter(row => ((row.Type=='Borough Total') &&
.map(row => [row.Advanced/row.Total,
function addElementSVG(parent, name, attrs={}) {
let SVGNS = "";
var element = document.createElementNS(SVGNS, name);
for (var key in attrs)
element.setAttributeNS(null, key, attrs[key]);
return element;
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var pSize = [pArea[2]-pArea[0], pArea[3]-pArea[1]];
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"width": canvasSize[0], "height":canvasSize[1],});
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"style": "font-family: Helvetica;",
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"cx": pArea[0]+d[0]/0.30*pSize[0],
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"x": pArea[2]-65, "y": pArea[1]+5,
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"x": pArea[2]-60, "y": pArea[1]+10+i*20,
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"fill": palette[(d-2002)/2],
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"x": pArea[0]-tickSize+pSize[0]/6*d, "y": pArea[3]+12,
"style": "font-family:Helvetica;font-size:8px;",
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"x1": pArea[0]-tickSize, "y1": pArea[3]-pSize[1]/6*d,
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"x": pArea[0]-18, "y": pArea[3]-2-pSize[1]/6*d,
"style": "font-family:Helvetica;font-size:8px;",
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"x": pSize[0]*0.5+pArea[0]-70,
"y": pArea[3]+25,
"style": "font-family: Helvetica;font-size:14px;",
xLabel.textContent = "Advanced Regents (%)";
yLabel = addElementSVG(canvas, "text", {
"x": -pSize[1]*0.5+pArea[1]-95,
"y": 5,
"style": "font-family: Helvetica;font-size:14px;",
yLabel.textContent = "Dropped Out (%)";
yLabel.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(-90,20,0)");
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