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Created February 14, 2011 15:21
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module Sunspot #:nodoc:
module Rails #:nodoc:
# This module provides Sunspot Adapter implementations for Mongoid
# models.
module Adapters
class MongoidDocumentInstanceAdapter < Sunspot::Adapters::InstanceAdapter
# Return the primary key for the adapted instance
# ==== Returns
# Integer:: Database ID of model
def id
class MongoidDocumentsDataAccessor < Sunspot::Adapters::DataAccessor
# options for the find
attr_accessor :include, :select
# Set the fields to select from the database. This will be passed
# to ActiveRecord.
# ==== Parameters
# value<Mixed>:: String of comma-separated columns or array of columns
def select=(value)
value = value.join(', ') if value.respond_to?(:join)
@select = value
# Get one ActiveRecord instance out of the database by ID
# ==== Parameters
# id<String>:: Database ID of model to retreive
# ==== Returns
# ActiveRecord::Base:: ActiveRecord model
def load(id)
# Get a collection of ActiveRecord instances out of the database by ID
# ==== Parameters
# ids<Array>:: Database IDs of models to retrieve
# ==== Returns
# Array:: Collection of ActiveRecord models
def load_all(ids)
@clazz.where( => ids)
Sunspot::Adapters::InstanceAdapter.register(Sunspot::Rails::Adapters::MongoidDocumentInstanceAdapter, Mongoid::Document)
Sunspot::Adapters::DataAccessor.register(Sunspot::Rails::Adapters::MongoidDocumentsDataAccessor, Mongoid::Document)
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