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Last active April 11, 2017 03:18
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Save Chovin/7344e5dc563106d175d7dbedc84aa52d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- this is a pico8(lua) comment. it is ignored by the program
-- first we set up some variables
z=0 -- this will be our index so we know what pixel we're on.
p={} -- we need to store all the pixels on the screen so we have a base set of pixels to manipulate
f=133 -- this will control how many pixels we try to read per line
-- notice, I chose a little more than 128 pixels. This is to adjust for sideways movement
-- as well as various timing things that use this as part of their calculation.
t=0 -- tick counter
-- now we start drawing
::a:: -- label to go back to in order to repeat the following lines
---+==|| get the x and y value ||==+---
x=z%f -- % is modulo. it gives the remainder of a division
-- ex. 5%133 is 5. 133%133 is 0. 134%133 is 1.
-- notice, this keeps x between 0 and 133(exclusive). This will be our x value.
y=z/f -- x is going between 0 and 133, but we need y to increase as well.
-- we need it to increase by 1 every time x is finished doing a sweep.
-- dividing by f does this for us. It will give us a decimal(float) value, but that's fine.
---+==|| store the pixel on 1st pass ||==+---
if(t<f) then -- if this is the 1st pass (explained how this checks for that later),
p[z]=pget(x,y) -- store the pixel color before drawing over it
c=p[z] -- grab the color of the current pixel
---+==|| decide when to draw it ||==+---
if(y>f-t/f-sin(t)*7) then -- defines the rising wave.
-- if we are below the wave, draw it. (y is larger as we go down)
-- sin(t)*7 gives us the wave shape. it is 15 pixels tall (-7 to 7)
-- f-t/f makes the wave rise. as time increases, we subtract more and more
-- ^ we start where y is around f (the bottom of the screen)
x+=sin(y/60+t)-3 -- adjust the x coordinate to draw our pixel
-- we're moving it left 3 and wiggling it between -1,1 depending on time and the y value
c+=1 -- now shift the color by one to give the bg a blue color
-- as well as to make the objects look distorted
pset(x,y,c) -- draw a new pixel which may have updated x/c values
---+==|| go to the next pixel ||==+---
z=(z+1)%(f*f) -- increase z by one, keeping it within the "bounds" of the screen.
-- 128*128 pixels, but in our case, 133*133. the extras won't give *too* much lag.
t+=1/f -- increase the timer by 1/133.
-- Increasing it by a fraction lets do a meaningful sin operation on it without
-- needing to divide t by something within the sin.
-- using specifically 1/f, lets us easily know when the 1st pass is over,
-- so we can stop storing new pixel information.
-- recall that our 1st pass check is if(t<f). if we increment 1/f each iteration,
-- that means it'll take f*f iterations for t to be greater than f.
-- and remember, f*f is our board size. That's all the pixels! perfect fit.
goto a -- now go do the next pixel
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