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Created January 18, 2017 14:15
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naive-bayes classifier
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# N A I V E B A Y E S C L A S S I F I E R
# Project Naive-Bayes Classifier
# Author Barnabas Markus
# Email
# Date 18.01.2017
# Python 3.6
# License MIT
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from operator import mul
from functools import reduce
class NaiveBayes:
def __init__(self):
self.words_cats = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
self.cats = defaultdict(int)
self.thresholds = {}
def get_words(doc):
"""Return list of words from str"""
return [word.lower().strip() for word in doc.split() if len(word) > 2]
def train(self, doc, cat):
"""Train the classifier with document-category pairs"""
words = self.get_words(doc)
for word in words:
self.words_cats[word][cat] += 1
self.cats[cat] += 1
def word_probability(self, word, cat):
"""Return probability of a word belongs to a given category"""
if word not in self.words_cats:
return 0
return self.words_cats[word][cat] / sum(self.words_cats[word].values())
def weighted_word_probability(self, word, cat, weight=1.0, ap=0.5):
# ap: asssumed_probability
# weight: the weight of assumed_probability
probability = self.word_probability(word, cat)
totals = sum(self.words_cats[word].values())
return ((weight * ap) + (totals * probability)) / (weight + totals)
def doc_probability(self, doc, cat):
"""Return probability of a doc belongs to a given category"""
words = self.get_words(doc)
weighted_probabilites = [self.weighted_word_probability(word, cat)
for word in words]
return reduce(mul, weighted_probabilites, 1)
def cat_probability(self, cat):
"""Return probability of a category compared to all categories"""
return self.cats[cat] / sum(self.cats.values())
def probability(self, doc, cat):
cat_probability = self.cat_probability(cat)
doc_probability = self.doc_probability(doc, cat)
return cat_probability * doc_probability
def set_threshold(self, cat, threshold):
"""Set thredhold for category"""
self.thresholds[cat] = threshold
def get_threshold(self, cat):
"""Get threshold of category"""
if cat not in self.thresholds:
return 1.0
return self.thresholds[cat]
def classify(self, doc, default=None):
"""Classifing a document"""
results = {}
for cat in self.cats:
results[cat] = self.probability(doc, cat)
# best_1, best_2 = Counter(results).most_common(2)
(cat_1, score_1), (_, score_2) = Counter(results).most_common(2)
threshold = self.get_threshold(cat_1)
if score_1 < score_2 * threshold:
return default
return cat_1
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