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Created July 26, 2022 18:28
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YII2 CronController
// common/config/bootstrap.php
Yii::setAlias('@runnerScript', dirname(__DIR__) .'/../yii');
// console/controllers/CronController.php
namespace console\controllers;
use Yii;
use yii\console\Controller;
use yii\console\Exception;
use yii\helpers\FileHelper;
class CronController extends Controller {
const CATEGORY_LOGS = 'cron_controller_logs';
* @var string PHPDoc tag prefix for using by PHPDocCrontab extension.
public $tagPrefix = 'cron';
* @var string PHP interpriter path (if empty, path will be checked automaticly)
public $interpreterPath = null;
* @var string path to writing logs
public $logsDir = null;
* Update or rewrite log file
* False - rewrite True - update(add to end logs)
* @var bool
public $updateLogFile = true;
* Placeholders:
* %L - logsDir path
* %C - name of command
* %A - name of action
* %P - pid of runner-script (current)
* %D(string formatted as arg of date() function) - formatted date
* @var string mask log file name
public $logFileName = '%L/%C.%A.log';
* @var string Bootstrap script path (if empty, current command runner will be used)
public $bootstrapScript = null;
* @var string Timestamp used as current datetime
* @see
public $timestamp = 'now';
* @var string the name of the default action. Defaults to 'run'.
public $defaultAction = 'run';
* Initialize empty config parameters.
public function init() {
//Checking PHP interpriter path
if ($this->interpreterPath === null){
if ($this->isWindowsOS()){
//Windows OS
$this->interpreterPath = 'php.exe';
//nix based OS
$this->interpreterPath = '/usr/bin/env php';
//Checking logs directory
if ($this->logsDir === null){
$this->logsDir = Yii::$app->getRuntimePath();
//Checking bootstrap script
if ($this->bootstrapScript === null){
$this->bootstrapScript = Yii::getAlias('@runnerScript');
* Provides the command description.
* @return string the command description.
public function getHelp() {
$commandUsage = Yii::getAlias('@runnerScript').' '.$this->id;
return <<<RAW
Usage: {$commandUsage} <action>
view <tags> - Show active tasks, specified by tags.
run <options> <tags> - Run suitable tasks, specified by tags (default action).
help - Show this help.
[tag1] [tag2] [...] [tagN] - List of tags
* Transform string datetime expressions to array sets
* @param array $parameters
* @return array
protected function transformDatePieces(array $parameters){
$dimensions = array(
array(0,59), //Minutes
array(0,23), //Hours
array(1,31), //Days
array(1,12), //Months
array(0,6), //Weekdays
foreach ($parameters AS $n => &$repeat) {
list($repeat, $every) = explode('\\', $repeat, 2) + array(false, 1);
if ($repeat === '*') $repeat = range($dimensions[$n][0], $dimensions[$n][1]);
else if(strpos($repeat,'/') === 1) {
$repeat = explode("/",$repeat);
$repeat = range($dimensions[$n][0], $dimensions[$n][1],$repeat[1]);
else {
$repeatPiece = array();
foreach (explode(',', $repeat) as $piece) {
$piece = explode('-', $piece, 2);
if (count($piece) === 2) $repeatPiece = array_merge($repeatPiece, range($piece[0], $piece[1]));
else $repeatPiece[] = $piece[0];
$repeat = $repeatPiece;
if ($every > 1) foreach ($repeat AS $key => $piece){
if ($piece%$every !== 0) unset($repeat[$key]);
return $parameters;
* Parsing and filtering PHPDoc comments.
* @param string $comment Raw PHPDoc comment
* @return array List of valid tags
protected function parseDocComment($comment){
if (empty($comment)) return array();
//Forming pattern based on $this->tagPrefix
$pattern = '#^\s*\*\s+@('.$this->tagPrefix.'(-(\w+))?)\s*(.*?)\s*$#im';
//Miss tags:
//cron, cron-tags, cron-args, cron-strout, cron-stderr
if (preg_match_all($pattern, $comment, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)){
foreach ($matches AS $match) $return[$match[3]?$match[3]:0] = $match[4];
if (isset($return[0])){
$return['_raw'] = preg_split('#\s+#', $return[0], 5);
$return[0] = $this->transformDatePieces($return['_raw']);
//Getting tag list. If empty, string "default" will be used.
$return['tags'] = isset($return['tags'])?preg_split('#\W+#', $return['tags']):array('default');
return $return;
* OS-independent background command execution .
* @param string $command
* @param string $stdout path to file for writing stdout
* @param string $stderr path to file for writing stderr
protected function runCommandBackground($command, $stdout, $stderr){
try {
if (!file_exists(dirname($stderr))) {
}catch (\Exception $exception){
$concat = ($this->updateLogFile) ? ' >>' : ' >';
$command =
$this->interpreterPath.' '.
$concat . escapeshellarg($stdout).
' 2>'.(($stdout === $stderr)?'&1':escapeshellarg($stderr));
if ($this->isWindowsOS()){
//Windows OS
pclose(popen('start /B "Yii run command" '.$command, 'r'));
//nix based OS
system($command.' &');
* Checking is windows family OS
* @return boolean return true if script running under windows OS
protected function isWindowsOS(){
return strncmp(PHP_OS, 'WIN', 3) === 0;
* Running actions associated with {@link PHPDocCrontab} runner and matched with timestamp.
* @param array $args List of run-tags to running actions (if empty, only "default" run-tag will be runned).
public function actionRun($args = array()){
$tags = &$args;
$tags[] = 'default';
//Getting timestamp will be used as current
$time = strtotime($this->timestamp);
if ($time === false) throw new Exception('Bad timestamp format');
$now = explode(' ', date('i G j n w', $time));
$runned = 0;
foreach ($this->prepareActions() as $task) {
if (array_intersect($tags, $task['docs']['tags'])){
foreach ($now AS $key => $piece){
//Checking current datetime on timestamp piece array.
if (!in_array($piece, $task['docs'][0][$key])) continue 2;
//Forming command to run
$command = $this->bootstrapScript.' '.$task['command'].'/'.$task['action'];
if (isset($task['docs']['args'])) $command .= ' '.escapeshellcmd($task['docs']['args']);
//Setting default stdout & stderr
if (isset($task['docs']['stdout'])) $stdout = $task['docs']['stdout'];
else $stdout = $this->logFileName;
$stdout = $this->formatFileName($stdout, $task);
if(!is_writable($this->logsDir)) {
$stdout = '/dev/null';
$stderr = isset($task['docs']['stderr'])?$this->formatFileName($task['docs']['stderr'], $task):$stdout;
if(!is_writable($stderr)) {
$stdout = '/dev/null';
$this->runCommandBackground($command, $stdout, $stderr);
Yii::info('Running task ['.(++$runned).']: '.$task['command'].' '.$task['action'], self::CATEGORY_LOGS);
if ($runned > 0){
Yii::info('Runned '.$runned.' task(s) at '.date('r', $time), self::CATEGORY_LOGS);
} else {
Yii::info('No task on '.date('r', $time), self::CATEGORY_LOGS);
* Show actions associated with {@link PHPDocCrontab} runner.
* @param $args array List of run-tags for filtering action list (if empty, show all).
public function actionView($args = array()){
$tags = &$args;
foreach ($this->prepareActions() as $task) {
if (!$tags || array_intersect($tags, $task['docs']['tags'])){
//Forming to using with printf function
$times = $task['docs']['_raw'];
array_unshift($times, $task['command'].'.'.$task['action']);
array_unshift($times, "Action %-40s on %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %s\n");
array_push($times, empty($task['docs']['tags'])?'':(' ('.implode(', ', $task['docs']['tags']).')'));
call_user_func_array('printf', $times);
protected function formatFileName($pattern, $task){
$pattern = str_replace(
array('%L', '%C', '%A', '%P'),
array($this->logsDir, $task['command'], $task['action'], getmypid()),
return preg_replace_callback('#%D\((.+)\)#U', function($str){ return date($str[1]);}, $pattern);
* Help command. Show command usage.
public function actionHelp(){
echo $this->getHelp();
* Getting tasklist.
* @return array List of command actions associated with {@link PHPDocCrontab} runner.
protected function prepareActions()
$actions = array();
try {
$methods = Yii::$app->params['cronJobs'];
}catch (yii\base\ErrorException $e) {
throw new yii\base\ErrorException('Empty param cronJobs in params. ',8);
if (!empty($methods)) {
foreach ($methods as $runCommand => $runSettings) {
$runCommand = explode('/', $runCommand);
if (count($runCommand) == 2) {
$actions[] = array(
'command' => $runCommand[0],
'action' => $runCommand[1],
'docs' => $this->parseDocComment($this->arrayToDocComment($runSettings))
if (count($runCommand) == 3) {
$actions[] = array(
'command' => $runCommand[0] . '/' . $runCommand[1],
'action' => $runCommand[2],
'docs' => $this->parseDocComment($this->arrayToDocComment($runSettings))
if (count($runCommand) == 4) {
$actions[] = array(
'command' => $runCommand[0] . '/' . $runCommand[1] . '/' . $runCommand[2],
'action' => $runCommand[3],
'docs' => $this->parseDocComment($this->arrayToDocComment($runSettings))
if(empty($actions)) {
return $actions;
protected function arrayToDocComment(array $runSettings)
$result = "/**\n";
foreach ($runSettings as $key => $setting) {
$result .= '* @' . $key . ' ' . $setting . "\n";
$result .= "*/\n";
return $result;
* * * * * php /var/www/app/yii cron
// console/config/main.php
$params = array_merge(
require __DIR__ . '/../../common/config/params.php',
require __DIR__ . '/../../common/config/params-local.php',
require __DIR__ . '/params.php',
require __DIR__ . '/params-local.php'
return [
'id' => 'app-console',
'language' => 'ar', //for sending messages and notifications to be in arabic language
'basePath' => dirname(__DIR__),
'bootstrap' => ['log'],
'controllerNamespace' => 'console\controllers',
'controllerMap' => [
'cron' => [
'class' => 'console\controllers\CronController',
'logsDir' => '/var/log/cron/'
// console/config/params.php
return [
'cronJobs' => [
'test/hello' => [
'cron' => '* * * * *',
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