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Forked from revolunet/indexof-min.js
Created September 29, 2015 20:11
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IE<9 indexOf polyfill
if(!Array.prototype.indexOf){Array.prototype.indexOf=function(b){var a=this.length>>>0;var c=Number(arguments[1])||0;c=(c<0)?Math.ceil(c):Math.floor(c);if(c<0){c+=a}for(;c<a;c++){if(c in this&&this[c]===b){return c}}return -1}};
if (!Array.prototype.indexOf)
Array.prototype.indexOf = function(elt /*, from*/)
var len = this.length >>> 0;
var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0;
from = (from < 0)
? Math.ceil(from)
: Math.floor(from);
if (from < 0)
from += len;
for (; from < len; from++)
if (from in this &&
this[from] === elt)
return from;
return -1;
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