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Last active May 11, 2017 01:10
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Improved breadth first product
defmodule BreadthFirst do
defp init_cursor(dimension) do (for _ <- 1..dimension, do: 0) end
defp increment_cursor(cursor, depth, max, carry) do
{carry, false, []},
fn elem, {carry, unique, acc} ->
case elem + carry do
^depth -> {1, unique, [0 | acc]}
^max -> {0, true , [max | acc]}
sum -> {0, unique, [sum | acc]}
defp next_cursor(acc, cursor, depth, max, carry) do
case increment_cursor(cursor, depth, max, carry) do
{1, _unique, _cursor} ->
acc # carry out, so we have hit the max depth
{_carry, true, cursor} ->
next_cursor([cursor | acc], cursor, depth, max, 1)
{_carry, false, cursor} ->
next_cursor(acc, cursor, depth, max, max) # not unique, seen in lower depth
defp product_at_depth(dimension, 1) do [init_cursor(dimension)] end
defp product_at_depth(dimension, depth) do
max = depth-1 # the max value
next_cursor([], init_cursor(dimension), depth, max, max)
|> Enum.reverse
def product(dimension, depth) when dimension >= 1 and depth >= 1 do
for i <- 1..depth do product_at_depth(dimension, i) end
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