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Created March 13, 2017 09:42
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A cool template in clojure
(ns console-demo.template)
(def delimiters ["<%" "%>"])
(def parser-regex
(str "(?s)\\A"
"(.*?)" (first delimiters) "(.*?)" (last delimiters)
(defn emit-string [s]
(print "(print " (pr-str s) ")"))
(defn emit-expr [expr]
(if (.startsWith expr "=")
(print "(print " (subs expr 1) ")")
(print expr)))
(defn- parse-string [src]
(print "(do ")
(loop [src src]
(let [[_ before expr after] (re-matches parser-regex src)]
(if expr
(do (emit-string before)
(emit-expr expr)
(recur after))
(do (emit-string after)
(print ")")))))))
(defn compile-fn [args src]
`(core/fn ~args
~(-> src parse-string read-string)))))
(defmacro template-fn
"Compile a template into a function that takes the supplied arguments."
[args source]
`(compile-fn '~args ~source))
(defn template
"Evaluate a template using the supplied bindings."
(template source {}))
([source bindings]
(let [keys (map (comp symbol name) (keys bindings))
func (compile-fn [{:keys keys}] source)]
(func bindings))))
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