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Created November 9, 2016 10:40
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typescript: this is a dts file for js-csp
declare module 'js-csp' {
namespace Boxes {
class Box<T> {
value: T
constructor(value: T)
class PutBox<T> {
handler: Handlers.HandlerType
value: T
constructor(handler: Handlers.HandlerType, value: T)
namespace Buffers {
class RingBuffer<T> {
head: number
tail: number
length: number
arr: Array<T>
constructor(head: number, tail: number, length: number, arr: Array<T>)
pop(): T
unshift(element: T): void
unboundedUnshift(element: T): void
resize(): void
cleanup(predicate: Function): void
var ring: <T>(n: number) => RingBuffer<T>
class FixedBuffer<T> {
buffer: RingBuffer<T>
n: number
constructor(buffer: RingBuffer<T>, n: number)
isFull(): boolean
remove(): T
add(item: T): void
closeBuffer(): void
count(): number
var fixed: <T>(n: number) => FixedBuffer<T>
class DroppingBuffer<T> {
buffer: RingBuffer<T>
n: number
constructor(buffer: RingBuffer<T>, n: number)
isFull(): boolean
remove(): T
add(item: T): void
closeBuffer(): void
count(): number
var dropping: <T>(n: number) => DroppingBuffer<T>
class SlidingBuffer<T> {
buffer: RingBuffer<T>
n: number
constructor(buffer: RingBuffer<T>, n: number)
isFull(): boolean
remove(): T
add(item: T): void
closeBuffer(): void
count(): number
var sliding: <T>(n: number) => SlidingBuffer<T>
class PromiseBuffer {
value: any
static NO_VALUE: string
static isUndelivered: (value: any) => boolean
constructor(value: any)
isFull(): boolean
remove(): any
add(item: any): void
closeBuffer(): void
count(): number
var promise: (n: number) => PromiseBuffer
type BufferType<T> = FixedBuffer<T> | DroppingBuffer<T> | SlidingBuffer<T> | PromiseBuffer;
namespace Chennals {
const MAX_DIRTY: number
const MAX_QUEUE_SIZE: number
const CLOSED: null
interface Channel {
[index: string]: any
closed: boolean
close(): void
var chan: (buf?: BufferType<any>, xfrom?: Function, exHandler?: Function) => Channel
namespace Dispatch {
var queueDispatcher: () => void
var run: (func: Function) => void
var queueDelay: (func: Function, delay: number) => void
namespace Handlers {
class FnHandler {
blockable: boolean
func: Function
constructor(blockable: boolean, func?: Function)
isActive(): boolean
isBlockable(): boolean
commit(): Function
class AltHandler {
flag: Boxes.Box<boolean>
func: Function
constructor(flag: Boxes.Box<boolean>, func: Function)
isActive(): boolean
isBlockable(): boolean
commit(): Function
type HandlerType = FnHandler | AltHandler
namespace Instructions {
class TakeInstruction { }
class PutInstruction { }
class SleepInstruction { }
class AltsInstruction { }
namespace Processes {
const NO_VALUE: string
var putThenCallback: (channel: Channel, value: any, callback?: Function) => void
var takeThenCallback: (channel: Channel, callback?: Function) => void
var take: (channel: Channel) => Instructions.TakeInstruction
var put: (channel: Channel, value: any) => Instructions.PutInstruction
var sleep: (msecs: number) => Instructions.SleepInstruction
var alts: (operations: Channel[] | (Channel|any)[], options: any) => Instructions.AltsInstruction
var poll: (channel: Channel) => any
var offer: (channel: Channel, value: any) => boolean
class Process { }
namespace Results {
var DEFAULT: {
toString(): string
class AltResult<T> {
value: T
channel: Channel | typeof DEFAULT
constructor(value: T, channel: Channel | typeof DEFAULT)
namespace Selects {
var doAlts: (operations: Channel[] | (Channel|any)[], callback: Function, options: any) => void
namespace Timers {
var timeout: (msecs: number) => Channel
namespace Utils {
const taskScheduler: (func: Function, value: any) => void
const isReduced: (v: any) => boolean
/**export function flush<T> */
export type Channel = Chennals.Channel
export type FixedBuffer<T> = Buffers.FixedBuffer<T>
export type DroppingBuffer<T> = Buffers.DroppingBuffer<T>
export type SlidingBuffer<T> = Buffers.SlidingBuffer<T>
export type PromiseBuffer = Buffers.PromiseBuffer
export type BufferType<T> = Buffers.BufferType<T>
/**./csp.core.js */
var core: {
/**spawn a chennel */
spawn(gen: Function, creator: Function): Channel
go(f: Function, args?: any[]): Channel
chan(n: number): Channel
chan(buffer: BufferType<any>): Channel
promiseChan(): Channel
/**./csp.operations.js */
export var operations: {
[index: string]: any
export const buffers: {
fixed: typeof Buffers.fixed
dropping: typeof Buffers.dropping
sliding: typeof Buffers.sliding
promise: typeof Buffers.promise
export var CLOSED: typeof Chennals.CLOSED
export var timeout: typeof Timers.timeout
export var DEFAULT: typeof Results.DEFAULT
export var put: typeof Processes.put
export var take: typeof Processes.take
export var offer: typeof Processes.offer
export var poll: typeof Processes.poll
export var sleep: typeof Processes.sleep
export var alts: typeof Processes.alts
export var putAsync: typeof Processes.putThenCallback
export var takeAsync: typeof Processes.takeThenCallback
export var NO_VALUE: typeof Processes.NO_VALUE
export var spawn: typeof core.spawn
export var go: typeof core.go
export var chan: typeof core.chan
export var promiseChan: typeof core.promiseChan
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